Was it slaves? I am not seeing any references to slaves building the original bridge online anywhere, where did you see that? :o
Was it slaves? I am not seeing any references to slaves building the original bridge online anywhere, where did you see that? :o
To be totally fair, with my older phone the GPS never worked properly (it was very cheap), so I’d usually look up the directions to a place beforehand and text them to myself for use later. Did get lost a lot but you can usually just ask somebody where to go
Didn’t he get embroiled in some sort of scandal like three years ago because he was dating multiple women who all thought they were exclusive?
Wait, people really thought web frameworks would replace Devs? Which frameworks? 😂
Ahh yep, I didn’t even think of where you would start on the overhead view. Good point!
That’s interesting; I always pictured a downward spiral as spiralling inwards, sort of reminiscent of water draining from a sink or bath. Or like those weird spiral things you roll change around in?
Hopefully suicide 🤞🤞
My boss wasn’t forcing me to use the metaverse to produce uninspired, low effort garbage to rip off my clients. You didn’t have loser “metaverse artists” fannying about everywhere. Bring back the metaverse talk, as dumb as it was, please!
What is your problem lol
I don’t play Warframe either but that’s not what I was commenting on.
I don’t understand why you’re acting so hostile :/
There’s actually a really interesting story about the leaf blower wars in LA: https://pca.st/episode/c2e284af-5c3f-4416-b6b8-4d9610b80c70
Not that they’ve announced yet, I just meant more broadly I am very sick of advertising and adverts
Can one thing please not be full of adverts :( I’ll pay for the browser, I just want marketers to fuck off for a while lol
I don’t understand why anyone would care this much about a social media website
Remember when this happened with Helldivers and a bunch of people switched their review back from negative to positive when Sony backed off the requirement? Because they’d “learned their lesson”? Lol
American shower thoughts
Oh bore off you big fanny
I agree he’s a dick but his life being turned upside down? By who? A bunch of people on twitter? 😂
You’re not wrong about seeds. The saying doesn’t mention, refer to, imply anything about, or have anything to do with seeds, though.