So, they ignore Canada and refuse to support the people there. Greaaat.
Canadian, sysadmin, trans rights are human rights, puncha-the-nazis, cats are pretty great, GNU Terry Pratchett.
So, they ignore Canada and refuse to support the people there. Greaaat.
Looseleaf earl grey and 20 years of debian.
You definitely do have to work harder to find more diverse viewpoints here. It’s a bit of a chicken and egg problem. At least on mastodon you can specifically follow people who talk about things outside your realm of experience.
And then you have Terry Pratchett who gave us Mister Teatime.
I’ve been using rspamd for a while. It may be extensible to do token based classification like you want but it may take some work.
I mean, IBM and Redhat and Amazon and Azure…
Having supported windows professionally for many years… I have had trouble with windows wifi. Oh lawd have I. Linux is easier.
Linux is a worthy opponent. Windows is a toddler with a Glock.
Since we got municipal compost, completely dry and nonstinky garbage. Super nice.
Haven’t had trouble with wifi on Linux in like 12 years.
Bluetooth on the other hand…
I have crowdsec on a bunch of servers. It’s great and I love that I’m feeding my data to the swarm.
I don’t even have a licence. I’d take it. Those gave pretty okay resale value. ^_-
It’s a tweet, Michael. What could it be worth, ten dollars?
!thelongdark@lemmy.ca, which put out a new content patch with some very nice immersion fixes this week. The new zone is very challenging.
I do most of my drinking at the Naughty Satsuma these days.
Among the other suggestions people have made in this thread, I’d like to add that just covering something and allowing the food to steam-heat makes a big difference. For instance I will usually poke a well in the middle of leftovers, put a tiny bit of water in (especially with rice, which dries out) and cover it with a plate. The water boils and heats it much better.
This happened during our visit to Victoria (BC). There’s a cat marked on Google Maps near the Transcanada Mile Zero marker. Wasn’t there, unfortunately.
Some people confuse mild and delicate flavours with bland, too. Young Gouda isn’t particularly strong but it’s good and still distinct.
I was unaware! I will try it earliest opportunity.
Theres a lot of great dutch food! I will defend pannenkoek, stampot, oliebollen, Gouda, spekkoek, krokets, poffertjes, stroopwafel… hell, I love pickled herring.
Dutch food is very underrated!
Remember it spawning a bunch of copycats? For a while every community had their own code block. I wrote one for a usenet group i was in at the time.
alt.sysadmin and alt.sysadmin.recovery both had em iirc…