Does VW even make the Jetta anymore?
Does VW even make the Jetta anymore?
Would make a good topping for mac n cheese.
It’s bizarre to me that the ivory trade still exists. No one is impressed by ivory anymore and there are much better materials to make things out of.
The point being you build something new and run the crusty compatible stuff in a sort of “virtual machine”.
Are you sure about that? Look who just got elected president of the US again.
You also have that stupid movement where liberal women are withholding sex as a protest. Sounds an awful lot like the beginning of Idiocracy to me.
We like music because it acts like a pleasurable drug. Probably something primitive and hormonal that is connected to mating (like birds do with bird song).
Meanwhile “Last of Us” “Resident Evil” and “Fallout” are over here getting turned into movies and tv shows after their huge success.
That new logo is pretty bad.
Depending on where you live, thorough is pronounced “thur-oh” and hiccough is spelled “hiccup”.
Everything old is new again. Lemmy is Usenet without the organized hierarchy, BlueSky is the old Twitter, and Gemini is updated Gopher.
“Hotel, motel, Holiday Inn. You see, if your girl starts acting up, then you take her friend!”
A work stoppage would probably work better than a march, but as someone else mentioned we can’t even get most people to vote. So things will just continue to go downhill unless people suddenly wake up to what’s going on around them.
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Modular would be more popular if it didn’t cost as much as standard construction. It’s bizarre how expensive it is.
Twitter is gone. It died the day Elon fired most of its staff.
Why is it that most manufactured pop from before you were born still sounds good, but most manufactured pop after your 40s sounds irritating as fuck? Like, I could dig some “Charleston” from the 1920s but Ashley Simpson is barf-o-rama.
If you buy an electric mower, you never have to change the oil again. Or the spark plug. Or buy gas. Or clean the carburetor.
Sometimes. There are shows where the music is leaned on way too heavily to convey the story instead of letting the actors just act. It’s super annoying. Especially when there isn’t a moment without music throughout the entire thing.