Well the last version I was actively using was 3.6 and the shiniest new feature I remember is switch cases from 3.7, so yes it has for me
Well the last version I was actively using was 3.6 and the shiniest new feature I remember is switch cases from 3.7, so yes it has for me
Would you recommend it? I’ve seen the wrath of khan, it was alright but tos just can’t hold my attention like tng
It’s even happened to me with python. I stepped away from programming for a while and now all the guides are about 3.8 while the version on trixie is 3.13
Dynamic stacks are pretty common in the most popular scripting languages, but considered bad practice from folks who use systems languages
Well after all these years I’ve gotten used to it, but my vision is very blurry in that eye. There’s also injury to the macula so there’s a giant gray spot in my near vision. It’s kinda like a giant peripheral vision, but I’m also more sensitive to big changes in brightness
I’d say it’s more than just a hole. I had an eye injury when I was a teenager that caused a detached iris. I didn’t have a massive pupil, I had 2 small, irregularly shaped pupils. After surgery, I now have a permanently dilated pupil shaped like a teardrop
Lol I totally made it up on the spot. My thought process being:
Sweet vermouth and vodka. Chilled and neat
Edit: Screenshot JPEG version - add crushed ice
Kindness can sometimes feel weird if people aren’t used to it
Don’t forget to celebrate with the customary spoiled milk when it happens
Broke stoners in rural Pennsylvania? Say it ain’t so!
On behalf of the mathematically challenged:
I wonder how many paid apps were utterly decimated after they released VLC
It works as intended because you haven’t integrated yet
But also it burns the coffee
Give people the basic dignity of existence, even when you’re pissed at them.
No, they definitely thought about this one
It’s Pacha’s wife Chicha from the movie Emperor’s New Groove
Well of course not all of them are going to be antithetical to capital. Affirmations are to remind you of positive thoughts without being toxic. They serve to remind you that life is more than making money for someone else.
I also don’t believe that we should discount someone’s work because the owner got involved. Like it sucks to see someone younger than you get handed everything and more that you’ve struggled to earn, but it’s less to do with the person being given the stuff and more to do with the person doing the giving.
I believe it! One glimpse at the latest docs tells me that every major builtin library I knew is depreciated or gone. I’m not even sure if
is still the correct encryption library. Honestly I might have to start fresh with Python like it’s a new language