Yes, my aunts, uncle and cousin live in a country reproducing “Animal farm” the last 6 years, with the end goal of being occupied and turned into a reservation. That book is more like reality than many would think.
Still, as a person not interested (usually) in agreeing with my counterparts, notice how this is a “good guy with a gun” situation. So maybe militia movement has a point. They just don’t know how to use their correctness outside of their one part of society’s fabric, but that’s up to those who know those other parts. Cooperation and collaboration, all that.
And almost any “good guy with a gun” can be called a terrorist formally. It’s an arbitrary separation.
So maybe gun rights really are human rights.
You’ve probably noticed how in any group the best decisions are made when every opinion is respected, and if it’s incomprehensible, made comprehensible with good and kind effort, and where aggression and expulsion are minimized.
It’s the same in politics.
Well, working from home it still requires discipline to optimize distractions, but it’s at least possible.
Autistic Spectrum Disorder.
That would be ASPD.
The impostor syndrome and such are crazy though, when working remotely from my dust and cockroaches box.
When talking about people with ASD that’s called unmasking and is one of the main goals of therapy.
I would like us to be trying to change that and not to make things more and more centralized. Because that kind of civilization will fail.
In fitting natural conditions your house can fly too, just not whole and not for long
I mean, it’s crazy, but I’m more fascinated with smaller airplanes. Imagine it, you can make something like a Piper Cub almost as easy\hard as 1000 years ago it was to make a good hauberk.
And for those mentioning computers - my feeling is the same about computers. It’s nice to have a laptop with Linux or FreeBSD (not counting corporate malware), but a machine much simpler, but one that can be produced entirely in an area of 10mln people, full chain, would be much cooler for me.
I’m in awe of distributed production lines being possible and allowed by today’s machinery.
I think that is something we have to rediscover. Centralization is stifling humanity’s advancement. At the same time in the real world rather unpleasant people’s power depends on it, so it won’t be quick or easy. But I think it is happening anyway, just very slowly. Evolution, not revolution. Surely I would be glad for it to be a revolution, to see it as a (yet) young person.
No, what I said is not what you are trying to make it seem, it’s that the OP complains about wrong things of what he can complain about.
And no, you are not smart to attempt this kind of cheating, you are robbing yourself and winning nothing.
OP doesn’t criticize current problems. OP criticizes American median level of life being a bit worse than their parents’ generation, while it’s still obscenely good for most of the planet (for which levels of life have also taken a hit). While the current problems (of the “mass murder, robbery, theft, erasure of heritage, historical revisionism and tyranny” kinds) OP doesn’t even hear about apparently.
Show me how a comment on the Web can disallow them anything.
By the way, neither can any of yours
with the only difference of be paided less then them.
Try rice fields.
I don’t want to be like this. I want my life to be more then this. I want to go out explore and change the world.
Everyone does, just don’t overthink it and do what you want now, then maybe you’ll have something to remember when you turn 81.
Welcome to the 2020s, welcome to late stage captalism.
First world problems. Try year 1630 AD.
but not one of us could have imagined the entire generation having a mid-life crisis at the age of 18.
It’s not a mid-life crisis, it’s the typical teenage trap of thinking you’ve reached that and are now wise sensei in a wrong body. Actually feels like something a 15yo me could have written, not 18yo.
It’s more dangerous than you think. When you really have a mid-life crisis, it’ll just be. You won’t think about it this way.
Don’t allow those thoughts to prevent you from getting out, touching grass, learning all you can about all the wonders in the world you can find.
Also don’t wait those 3 months to consider yourself an adult.
And, quoting Al Pachino’s character, when in doubt - fuck.
That is exactly how subjective reality works. Everything is interconnected, so whether something is relevant to some subject is purely a matter of choice.
Except some people of questionable intelligence and culture consider their choice on that matter more important than that of others.
You’re not the main character,
You are. You are also responsible for your own choices whether you admit it or not.
That is the most selfish possible way to approach life.
If taking responsibility is selfish, then selfishness is a virtue.
at least you’ll be able to vote again and you might actually get to negotiate for things that make people’s lives better.
They are already threatening you with Trump if you don’t vote for them and don’t want to compromise. So about that “you’ll be able to vote again” - I think that’s true, but since that threat works, that’ll likely be the same kind of choice over and over. When you agree to get owned for protection, you usually don’t get owned just once.
Selfish naive children.
For fuck’s sake, are you 16?
How can a grown person be that arrogant without knowing shit about game theory?
Voting for the party that is consciously using the other one as a boogeyman will enable someone worse with no doubt. They are both worse.
And before the actual ballots are being cast, the public opinion sending right signals to Dems would reduce that risk.
And the girl a handmaiden