Chewbacca is Bigfoot
There was an out-of-continuity comic where Han Solo crashed the Falcon on Earth; Chewbacca survives and becomes the basis for the Bigfoot legend.
Chewbacca is Bigfoot
There was an out-of-continuity comic where Han Solo crashed the Falcon on Earth; Chewbacca survives and becomes the basis for the Bigfoot legend.
Clock King (at least BTAS clock king, the one in the picture) can’t control time.
He did have access to a device in his second appearance that allowed him to control the flow of time, so he had the ability albeit in an indirect fashion.
Honestly any parts you buy today probably won’t be much good in 30 years.
At least not when AGP comes to town.
T did S with P and then A (23 F) got into with G
Wait, do people think it’s fantasy or something??
The hell happened to the feet in the second panel?
Did you not get the EasyFlow™ 2.0 joint upgrade?
That 'Lip?
In an alternate timeline where he got his shit (mostly) together and decided to run a restaurant.
“Mom I want an Yggdrasil”
“We have Yggdrasil at home”