Just like my $variables
I can be anything I want. Deal with it! 🫳🎤
Just like my $variables
I can be anything I want. Deal with it! 🫳🎤
No backup? No mercy!
Jerboa? The link is malformed for me as well
Basically all illegal drugs started as legal drugs aka medicine (Opium, Morphine, Heroin, etc). The distinction is a relatively recent development. Even today a drug store is a reputable business. A drug den not so much.
AFAIK it won’t and should you still get a bottleneck you can limit the maximum resources a service may use.
Well, they do provide the AppStore and the whole underlying infrastructure. So a fee in and off itself is not unreasonable.
However, since the AppStore is the only channel for selling/downloading apps it reeks of monopoly (which Apple is rightly being investigated for).
No! Not The Woz!
While I am generally in favour of a strong government: Does Politics have to dictate everything?
Tbf most modern fossile fuel heating systems require power as well to some degree.
I think going forward we will have a much more decentralised power grid, as in people will have batteries to store a significant amount of power which they produce via solar panels on top of their houses. Also many electric cars today can be used as power storage.
In this setup the DB is not part of Nextcloud. Both are running in separate services aka containers, which can be administrated independently from each other.
No, you don’t own them. You have a licence for usage, which is revokable. One of the many problems within eaas (everything as a service).
Not engineer.
At least here in Germany, engineer is a protected profession. Other than that: All of the above.