Poochie we have to move past this, the reason you failed Basic Physics is not because the rich are trying to hold you back.
I think the entire point of the glass ceiling analogy is that it is see-through. When you start on a low rung you can see your career path potentially rising to the very top and you are told with hard work this is the case but in reality some unspoken and unseen filter the company has will not let you progress above a certain level. If the ceiling can not be seen through it is just a position that is openly constrained and loses all the nuance of the modern world telling everyone they can be anything when they really can’t.
They may well be but they have no science education, have obtained their position through a lucky fall of the chips and are not that bright. I am sure there are companies that tell them what they want to hear and take their money but that does not alter the fact that any real longevity treatment is generations away.
It is not a very real prospect it is a grift, you could get enough genetic material to clone the gullible idiot but archiving memory, personality and brain structure is not even close, the frozen brain is just jam. And even if it were not there is no way to return that information. Jam, its all just jam.
About the same proportion as is actively pretending not to notice now.
Sadly that is the case, before we realised we were finite we were happy to sleep all day like a dog, we thought the days would just keep coming.
Mankind became restless when he became conscious sufficiently to be aware of his own mortality, this gave him a strong need to leave a mark on the world.
How long are his showers.
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The utopia would spread across the entire globe filling every space humanity chose to live, like pouring proprietary cake mix into a fun shaped cake tin made with universal uniqueness to show your love, so a single Kevin would be overworked. He would need to be scaled up as the revolution proceeded. Even Lenin understood this, its why he had that kid with Yoko.
We could call that sport the Games for Hunger or something like that and the men could all be running. Also we would need populations of Kevins, perhaps decanted for the purpose because what people really miss in a utopia is the bullying. Not full-on to the death school type bullying, we are all too refined now for that and understand everyone is a sensitive frozen water crystal and any slightly offended sensibility is mortal injury to us all, and just very disappointing. No, what we crave is the no chinned, anonymous and slightly sarcastic bullying of a fully mature mind. Laughing at the opinions of others from our hide shacks and downvoting them in wank-gangs until they yield and go outside, in the air - the true defeat of the internetian. I have forgot the point I was trying to make so I’ll stop, but I think the key idea is to reply ‘sorry lady but’ to any post you know is written by a boy adult.
It has already been said but I think the author misunderstood alchemists, the idea was only they would have the knowledge. The argument put forward would apply to the entire monetary system, money must be worthless if everyone can make it.
I think it would not work, people covertly sabotage any drift toward a utopia because they do not want it, it is numbingly dull. Beyond wealth or ease of life or sexual freedom what people really want at a deep and profound level is to have something to complain about. The whole of Reddit is just a mechanism for that, as is all social media, as is the internet, the purpose of language and life. People want to gaze over at one section of society and say look at those fucking idiots I am so much better than them. Then they want to tell people how much better they are and have other people agree, and that sort of thing is banned in utopia.
When a bird shits on you eat it, that will show them.
I think the truth would be that they would be so utterly alien that we would never be able to truly communicate with them and also we would never find them not terrifying.
Sorry, it’s a stupid joke on the topic of the post.
I had been fighting a valiant fight to not make that joke since I first replied to this post and sadly lost.
I think alcohol like music can not be separated from its effect upon the mind. I think those effects are entirely the point we take it, I think if it was just taste you would not drink your White Russian. I think when you drink it it is because you want to visit or at least be reminded of your dark place. Like all drugs it is vital not to ignore the positive effects they can have while also being very aware of the long term negative consequences. As to answering the original question I think if you drink less than the average it is permissible to give as your reasons that you sometimes like the way it makes you feel. You drink in the same way you put on music, not because of the sound or the taste but because it takes you to somewhere else and for a little while that is where you needed to be.