So, how’s the writing? The only review I’ve seen so far was deeply unequipped to say anything about the game
So, how’s the writing? The only review I’ve seen so far was deeply unequipped to say anything about the game
Yeah, I’ve heard it’s more oblivion than pillars. t’s not gonna be worth more than $30 if that’s true, probably closer to 50 if it’s actually a decent pillars game.
An unironic way to fix half of America would be to let minimum wage workers hurt the public. Give them all baseball bats and make it legal to go for the knees of people who don’t return carts, only one tap for people who don’t put it back properly.
Fuck markscan, fuck sony. Simple as.
Procedural generation is fine, especially in system heavy games
Don’t forget the drop in necessary production costs, tools have only gotten better and cheaper while corpos have valued less and less.
Yeah, i haven’t had anything go wrong in at least a decade.
Nms absolutely doesn’t hit the way Minecraft does, and it isn’t the blocks. Minecraft allows for much more free expression with what you build than NMS does (from what little I’ve played of NMS).
… They didn’t already have the leaf thing? Whatever, I’m not particularly interested in the update (or snapshot, i suppose), but it looks like they are filling out small details they’ve ignored or never even thought of, which is a good thing. I’d rather have fine detail than a half assed new system that’s disconnected from everything.
It’s not the worst case scenario, but it’s still not good news for multiple industries.
Say less, I’m in.
I’ve seen a few terraria likes but none have reached those vaunted heights, sadly, but i will keep an eye on this regardless. Hopefully it goes better than starbound.
What in the god damn? That’s seriously insane, hopefully funko takes some kind of hit.
Man, funko needs to sink. That low quality trash does nothing but fuck up the environment when people inevitably toss it.
Don’t reveals your true name to the fae, be weary of their temptations and offers, don’t allow one to follow you home.
“we have no idea what we are doing” and “we don’t want to fuck up this badly again” but with more ego assuaging is what I’m hearing here.
Eh, they weren’t that great.
The definitive zombie game, cataclysm dark days ahead. In my latest game i built a battle train.
I probably wouldn’t have bought it if nintendo didn’t suck so hard