asking the important questions, we need clarity
asking the important questions, we need clarity
ok dude, whatever don’t use it, fuck. lol.
yep, price of admission, i’m cool with it
OneDrive comes with 5GB free storage, if you want to use the app, you gotta sign up for the MS account, no different than litteraly a million other apps out there. Might rub the anti Microsoft folks the wrong way, but if you read the article, one of the major point is that there’s no local storage, which is not true, as the OneDrive app stores everything locally if you set it to.
Wait a second, if you have to save it to onedrive, and have the onedrive app on your pc, it then will sync to your local storage if the onedrive settings are set to “make all folders available offline” automatically, or did i take crazy pills this morning and am missing something?
the game. you’ve also lost that too.
I came here to say. If so this is huge.
aaaaaand almost the entire capitalist system is built around the effort to reduce any individuals worth so that they are in a constant state of worry and need to continue to produce through their physical labor for the benefit of others. feudalism was worse. communism put capitalisms sins to shame with the absolute corruption, human rights abuse, and genocide (stalin slaughtered 20 million all on his own under the mantle of the ussr)
there have been some twats i’ve had the privilege of getting to know that were downright life afirming
they otter know better
after not getting them for about a year and a half, got a suprise security update this past august outta the blue
but do they ave a headphone jack too?
I haven’t bought a new phone because I refuse to give up my S10’s removable storage. Won’t do it. Runnin this fucker til the wheels come off.
i dunno, ok, but that’s like saying the theory of relativity, or the mona lisa, was created by a neurodivergent and co-opted by normies. some of us are artists, and some of us work the fields. without either we all starve.
The Game. You’ve lost it. In the quantum world, all things are not only active, but change, once you consider them.
Only if the marrow from one’s bones normally leaches out, and fat deposits between muscle fibers melt, in a bath, otherwise it’s cooking
Google has gone to shit, but it’s the only webpage I can click with one hand, that allows me to hit the microphone button and ask it to search for something for me, whilst in a reclining position. Bing just started doing that too, it’s Bing is fucking completely unusable. There’s no free voice control add on for Firefox anymore, after they shitcanned it years ago.