That looks awesome. I might switch over to that version, or at least give it a try
Transfered from Feddit.ch as they closed up shop unfortunately.
That looks awesome. I might switch over to that version, or at least give it a try
The Pokémon Liquid Crystal ROM hack, a gen 2 remake for GBA
I already had a Razer mouse before Linux so I’m grateful for this project. However in the future I do want a mouse that either uses a web UI for software or just firmware.
Zeromouse by Optimum Tech uses Finale-Mouse software
I also came across this company called Vaxee which makes normal looking mice with high performance hardware and it’s firmware based adjustments
Thank you. That’s incredibly insightful. When I get the cash I’ll setup a PiHole
That’s a good point
Why would someone pick PiHole over say a customized NextDNS on your router?
I’ll try that version of MangoHud too. It has never worked for me
This is really neat. I’ll be trying it out for sure
That’s unfortunate to hear. I doubt anything will compete with Steam with all the things you want. People need to choose to put value where it really matters and have some inconveniences. Pirating certainly won’t get you what you want. Supporting DRM free services (and the games devs) will do more good. You could download your GoG games through the Heroic launcher and it’ll use wine proton (or whatever it’s called). Also Nexus mods has a new mod manager that’ll work on Linux but it’s only in alpha stage currently.
GOG has no DRM. Once purchased you can download the files and own it. You could even write your games to CDs if you wanted and play like the old days.
Edit. I was setting up a new laptop for my Dad. I remembered we used to play an old fighter jet game when I was young. I looked it up and found out it was Falcon 3. I then found GoG sells it. So I purchased it on my account and loaded it onto his computer with no reference to GoG, no clients, etc. It was a surprise for him when he got his new computer.
So are most services and then at some point do some type of rug pull with BS EULA changes, etc. that change the functionality of what you’re using. This is prevailant in everything now a days. I’d say with Steam the writing is on the walls. They have so much power in the PC gaming market (like with the examples you gave) it’s only a matter of time.
I do see how useful and user friendly those services you mentioned are
Read their EULA, you license your “purchase”. You don’t own your games. Steam also injects their own DRM onto the vast majority of games.
I was thinking Steam but Epic, EA, Ubisoft; they’re all riddled with crap
Now let’s go one step further and quit purchasing games with DRM from a particularly large PC gaming service
Now that’s a good use for the Steam Deck with it’s weak APU
Gotcha, makes sense
I don’t have an answer for you. I’m just curious why you’re launching Heroic through Steam
Never played it as I’m terrible at games like AoE and Anno but I’ll give it a shot
Maybe your proton version changed. There’s a setting to keep the version and game version from updating