“Friend minus Friends” as in “Garfield minus Garfield?”
Based. I’d watch one.
I’m just this guy, you know?
“Friend minus Friends” as in “Garfield minus Garfield?”
Based. I’d watch one.
Termux (on F-droid) is a userland environment that runs on top of your Android device’s kernel. It has Debian/Ubuntu-like package management system that pulls from repos maintained by the termux team. If the package is available for aarch64, its probably available in the termux repos. Its not so much of an app as it is an alternate userland that runs on top of the same kernel, but can interact with Android a couple of different ways.
The main Termux app gets you a basic command line environment with the usual tools included in a headless Linux install. From there you can select your preferred repos, do package updates, installs, etc, just like on a desktop or laptop. You could even install a desktop environment and use RDP to access it.
Then there are some companion apps that are useful:
So you could install the syncthing package in Termux and (after setting up Termux access for your internal storage) configure it to sync folders from your phone to wherever syncthing syncs. You’d set up a start script under Termux:boot to launch it when your phone starts, or Tasker to start/stop the service on your home WiFi.
For the F-droid enabled users, it seems there’s a Syncthing app in the Termux repos:
~ $ apt show syncthing
Package: syncthing
Version: 1.28.0
Maintainer: @termux
Installed-Size: 26.4 MB
Homepage: https://syncthing.net/
Download-Size: 7857 kB
APT-Sources: https://packages.termux.dev/apt/termux-main stable/main aarch64 Packages
Description: Decentralized file synchronization
I have no specific basis to say so, but I distrust browser-based password managers on the principles of separation of function and mitigating risk. Strong my credentials in a browser just feels hinky, even with a master password. Too obvious of an attack vector. Rather, I use the KeepassDX variant with its MagicKeyboard feature. When I’m presented with a login prompt, I can use the keyboard switcher to launch KeepassDX, unlock my vault, and select the credentials entry. Then I can switch back to the browser (or app) and have MagicKeyboard enter the credentials for me.
It’s a few more taps than just that, but it’s a straightforward workflow that should mitigate leakage from my usual keyboard, clipboard snooping, and any hypothetical attacks against the in-browser vault workflow.
Plus, I know where my credentials are stored, can apply 2FA, and even back up the vault file to offline archives.
It works for me. “Cool story bro,” I guess, is my point.
In the eye of our creators, we are all donuts.
There’s Gradle to crave joke to make here, but deploy keeps failing during dependency checks for humor.
Two’s too many to count
And two other to’s
Its ambiguous, but it seems to expresses the speaker regrets not feeling regretful about the topic, as if to acknowledge that one might (and maybe should) sympathize with the other party, but in fact does not.
Depending on the context, it might also merely express that speaker is an asshole.
My next mower will probably be a lawn service
San Jacincto was a different battle wherein Mexico got their collective ass kicked in there. The Alamo was a rallying cry.
Alamo itself was a rout for the Texians [sic]. There’s no side-stepping that. It goes as it goes.
I didn’t so much forget it as I did assume Texans were just playing the martyr for getting their collective asses kicked in. Again.
You know… Like Dallas Cowboys fans?
No worries, the other poster was just wasn’t being helpful. And/or doesn’t understand statistics & databases, but I don’t care to speculate on that or to waste more of my time on them.
The setting above maxes out at 24h in stock builds, but can be extended beyond that if you are willing to recompile the FTL database with different parameters to allow for a deeper look back window for your query log. Even at that point, a second database setting farther down that page sets the max age of all query logs to 1y, so at best you’d get a running tally of up to a year. This would probably at the expense of performance for dashboard page loads since the number is probably computed at page load. The live DB call is intended for relatively short windows vs database lifetime.
If you want an all-time count, you’ll have to track it off box because FTL doesn’t provide an all-time metric, or deep enough data persistence. I was just offering up a methodology that could be an interesting and beneficial project for others with similar needs.
Hey, this was fun. See you around.
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#### MAXLOGAGE=24.0
Up to how many hours of queries should be imported from the database and logs? Values greater than the hard-coded maximum of 24h need a locally compiled `FTL` with a changed compile-time value.
I assume this is the setting you are suggesting can extend the query count period. It still will only give you the last N hours’ worth of queries, which is not what OP asked. I gather OP wants to see the cumulative total of blocked queries over all time, and I doubt the FTL database tracks the data in a usable way to arrive at that number.
Ah, well if you know differently then please do share with the rest of us? I think the phrasing in my post makes it pretty clear I was open to being corrected.
So, like a running sum? No, I don’t think so, not in Pi-hole at least.
Pi-hole does have an API you could scrape, though. A Prometheus stack could track it and present a dashboard that shows the summation you want. There are other stats you could pull as well. This is a quick sample of what my home assistant integration sees
That counter, I believe, for the last 24 hours. It will fluctuate up and down across your active daily periods
I see where this question is leading, and I don’t think I like the implications
I watched that. 👆