why does everything about South Korea feel soulless
why does everything about South Korea feel soulless
I think users should embrace data harvesting and passively run chatGPT powered bots to generate more mindless data
“we will harvest your DNA and put a literal implant into your brain”
eight equals equals equals equals equals equals equals equals equals capital d tilde tilde
was the USSR very low on car infrastructure? I honestly don’t know so I’m asking (I know they had great train stations too)
why do actual communist planned economy nations have such great train stations (and aesthetics in general)
this title is just
i still can’t believe this is real
it’s not physically possible to downvote someone on hexbear
aright cool nothing matters
We need to normalize Xi Jinping thought?
But he’s a heckin’ HONEY BEAR!
Loss is like Evangelion, it’s one of those things that existed for decades (or 1 decade) but somehow got super popular in 2018
What about all the other pros of ubuntu?
It does, but it’s also like 1000x more info than the average person knows
in reality the graph alternates black and white and only holds true for one certain location/group at a time
apologies your logic is not convoluted enough to reach its natural conclusion
attaching the cat-bread to a generator would prevent it from falling, so it would stop rotating (no further need)
It would just be a motionless (apart from whatever the cat’s doing, assuming it’s still alive) and it wouldn’t work
best regards
I remember this one alien dude who had the audacity to suggest that a bunch of Roman stuff was also built by aliens
the dislike bar on that video was a quarter red kek, hoes mad
MFW 80% of pink pipo wouldn’t exist if a Chinese guy didn’t invent the heavy plow
(possibly the biggest China L ever undertaken)
It’s often linked to some geographic or cultural uniqueness of Europe, like how they didn’t have famines or shit and so they were able to be creative about nature that wasn’t chaotic and devastating.
That just makes it even more embarrassing that they had to import all their math from the east
true but japan never felt that bad