What else would you call an analog clock?
What else would you call an analog clock?
I’m 38 and still take 10s to read an analog clock.
I do still say half past etc though. I don’t really associate them with digital vs analog
Odometer readings
I’m a nerd. I know vaguely what RCS is because I had a discussion in 2019 with a friend about it. Do I have it? Do I use it? I have no idea. Is it an app or just a protocol that happens behind the scenes? I would assume the latter. My phone’s a few years old, isn’t everyone’s? Probably that means I don’t have it. No way to tell and I’m not going to bother trying to find out.
I’m so much more technical than most people btw
“and so” is perfectly valid as a conjunction for implying causation. “Thus” would be a synonym. It fits better than “and also” which doesn’t imply causation and so isn’t the right word.
If those shelf brackets are fixed in place and screwed in with two screws above each other that’s probably enough diagonal bracing for lightweight use, considering it’ll normally be screwed into a wall too. The fact that theres no horizontal bracing at floor level might be a bigger issue — those feet will be easily bent/broken
Maybe in modern media. He’s definitely not portrayed as an equal or opposite to God in the bible. He’s just another angel
TERM is the default (15). 9 is KILL