• 3 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 19th, 2023


  • Realistically, you’re lucky you didn’t. Excessive force is a thing, and you’d have trouble convincing a jury that his dick was a threat to your life.

    A punch to the jaw, sure. Even a kick to the dick, no problem. But once you stop swinging your dick here, you know damn good and well that actually using a weapon on some perv is not going to end well for you. Some places, just brandishing it could get you in more trouble than he would get into for wagging weenies.

    Also, dude. A leatherman? As a weapon? You’d have been better off leaving the blade shut and using it to reinforce your hand for a punch, or using it like a yawara. You go trying to actually use that blade on someone, and you could lose a finger.

  • That has absolutely nothing to do with what I said.

    However, to respond to it as a separate subject, there’s plenty of reasons to pay for content.

    The primary one is ethics. When you’re paying for content via an intermediary site, you can improve two things. First, that the person is of age legally. There’s ways around it, but the people that would typically bypass that would also be less likely to be using an intermediary site like onlyfans, they’ll be elsewhere.

    Second, consent. Again, while it isn’t a perfect guarantee, and there are cases of models being pressured or even forced into doing it, it isn’t the majority.

    So, by paying up, you have a much better chance of enjoying your content without concern about the two biggest horrors of pornography.

    Then, you run into quality and specificity.

    While still not a guarantee, onlyfans models are well aware that they have to produce material that is clear and easy to enjoy, so there’s less selfies in dirty mirrors, or pics taken on fifteen year old crappy cameras. Onlyfans is also fairly well known for models that can and will do customized content since they’re getting paid.

    So, by paying, you have the highest chance of getting materials that are going to not only be what you want, but can be enjoyed for a very long time because technology is good enough that even mid tier phones produce images that can be zoomed in to one’s heart’s content.

    You can’t neglect the pride factor either. Some folks have this idea that paying for it means they’re better than people that don’t. It’s a dumb idea, but the are people that think that way

    I can keep going, but I doubt that’s useful for you.

    The point of all that is to break down the mystery of it for you, not to convince you to pay for anything. I don’t know what your motivations are when looking at erotic content; nor what your beliefs are regarding it other than being dubious about paying for it.

    There’s absolutely nothing wrong with enjoying free content at all. To the contrary, I think it’s a wonderful thing that there are places where people that enjoy showing their bodies can do so without any of the hassles and encumbrances that come with doing it for money. I think it’s a beautiful thing that there’s people willing to share their bodies visually, period. I dislike porn, but the beauty and variety of the human form is amazing, and when it’s celebrated, it makes me happy

    And you can definitely use forums that do “gone wild” content in the way that the original post is about, where it’s just users sharing their bodies with no problem at all. That’s what they’re there for. But it does have drawbacks.

  • Wait, wait, you don’t play d&d 40 hours a week? What are you wasting your time doing?

    And, in case you aren’t aware, that’s called an analogy (or whatever the right word is, I haven’t been awake long enough to do anything but sit on this toilet, so you get what you get).

    It’s used to draw attention to the similarities between two things that are otherwise different. This is a common rhetorical tool to highlight a different way of thinking about a subject.

    I’m fairly sure you were just bring snarky, but just in case you weren’t, or have English as a second language or whatever, that’s what I was doing, pointing out that even if you remove work from the matter, we all still have times that are and are not acceptable for off topic conversation that prevents others from doing the task.

  • Look, if you agree to come over to my house to play d&d, everyone gets here, and all you talk about is your jock itch, do you think you’ll be invited back?

    Like it or not, a job is when you have agreed to perform a set of tasks. In a capitalist system, that means for money. But in any other system, you’d still be wasting time that’s supposed to be spent doing the thing you agreed to do.

    You could be a member of a collective or cooperative, and if you’re still babbling about something outside the task you’re there to handle, you’ll end up being reassigned or otherwise censured.

    Yeah, fuck capitalism, and fuck corporate bullshit. Just don’t pretend that agreeing to do a task, and then not doing it while you natter on about an unrelated subject is acceptable on your end either. If you need personal time to handle any emotional upkeep, that’s a separate issue, but being expected to stay on task is agnostic of framework

  • I’d say no, based on a few factors.

    First, any plant matter that gets into the water is heated. Second, it will only get in there after the water has had smoke go through it, warning the liquid above ambient.

    Third, since the steeping would occur with adulterants, is it really a tea/tisane at all? Typically, anything other than prepared plant matter being added during a cold brew is going to interfere with steeping, so having the ash, tars, and residual resins/terpenes/etc in the water beforehand seems less like a tea and more like a stock.

    And, yeah, you can argue that a stock isn’t super dissimilar from a tea, but you can’t cold brew a stock. Too many of the things in there won’t get into suspension, or dissolve without heat. Even in vegetable stock.

    Fourth, unless you’re broke, you aren’t going to be smoking much leaf, there’s supposed to be mostly bud in there. While you can make a tea from flowers, tea tea isn’t predominantly flower of the camellia.

    So, as a shower thought, this is fucking awesome. It just doesn’t hold up to scrutiny.

  • Yeah, though at this point, I think that’s becoming less useful. Tisane as a term is essentially dead outside of very niche circles, and tea has replaced it in pretty much all common usage. This, btw, isn’t me disagreeing with you, it’s an expansion on the subject.

    At some point, with the word tea not being a formal scientific term, it being technically correct only for one plant type starts to not be true. I don’t think it’s there yet, but it’s moving that direction.

    But, that’s going to be a long time. We’re still at the point where you have to specify if you want tea from other plants by prefixing the type of plant with it, while camellia is the default. But it is starting to be a thing where more and more people think of tea as a brewed/steeped product rather than an infusion of one plant.

    What I wonder is if it’ll be something like where people call chai chai tea, and we’ll have to order tea tea lol.

    It’s been a thing in my lifetime where some people weren’t even aware that anything other than black tea exists. Here in the mountains of the us, if it wasn’t iced sweet tea, you were drinking some kind of herbal tea hot. There was no green tea, and finding anyone that knew that there was more than one type of black tea was unusual. Now, our little town has a tea shop with maybe thirty types of camellia products ranging from white to green to black, different varieties, all kinds of stuff.

    Gonna be interesting how the language of it shifts. I won’t likely live long enough to see it change all the way though

  • Well, let’s play pretend for a second.

    Imagine, if you will, a country that used to have good history basics. A country well armed, and with direct experience facing fascism.

    Imagine that, despite the best attempts at killing that education system, that are still people that remember the price of fascism, if not directly, through the memories out those that did experience it directly.

    Imagine that not all of those people are complacent.

    Imagine that out of those aware, watching, and willing to act, there are some who have had the sense to recognize the possibilities.

    Imagine that those people have been quiet publicly because they know they would have sounded paranoid. Imagine that, quietly and carefully, they’ve been stocking ammo, learning useful skills and hoping that it’s all wasted time and effort.

    Now, imagine that the pollen problem with forming a resistance is that you don’t know who you can trust. Even in times of apparent peace, governmental agencies tend to keep a close eye on people practicing the kind of skills needed to resist, or possibly overthrow a fascist government.

    You have to be very, very careful in working with others. To the point of essentially having no way to communicate outside of carefully vetted groups of like minded individuals.

    Imagine that situation, and those people seeing fascism taking over. They’d be ready, but without a plan, without coordination, concerted effort is difficult. This isn’t a hypothetical that allows for rapid escalations, especially in a world where false flag events happen. This imaginary situation would take a great deal of careful outreach to establish lines of communication between groups. You can imagine that those efforts would take vetting at each step because in the age of fascism, you will be facing an enemy that’s capable of completely faking any evidence they want, throwing a label on you that allows you to be held without access to attorneys or the rule of real law.

    I suppose you can imagine that in that situation, you aren’t going to see many indications of action. You shouldn’t see any indications because if these hypothetical individuals and groups aren’t plain stupid, they know that showing indications is capture at best, death at worse, and the compromise of any hope of resistance at worst.

    In that situation, maybe the only thing anyone can do is get armed, get trained, and be ready.

    Imagine if someone waiting for whatever it is they need to be ready for can’t be armed, or can’t train. Then their goal should be to stock up supplies. Make arrangements to be able to host unexpected guests with a great deal of privacy. Maybe just take some first aid courses and have those supplies on hand.

    Maybe those indications never come, in this hypothetical situation. Maybe those groups aren’t enough, maybe they can’t or don’t make contact. Maybe it never comes to be. I mean, that’s what is most likely, that nobody will be willing to take enough risk to do more than huddle up and hope nothing bad happens.

    What wouldn’t make sense is for them to be out in the open giving indications they exist.

    Maybe they don’t exist. Maybe the probability of all those factors coming together is so low as to be impossible. That’s certainly a possible reason for no indications as well. After all, we’re just a bunch of assholes running our mouths on a public forum, having a little fun with thought experiments.