Plus it is as accurate as using an automated translator to change it to another language and back again!
Also known as snooggums on midwest.social and kbin.social.
Plus it is as accurate as using an automated translator to change it to another language and back again!
Wrftf is rehabilitation?
I wanna punish and increase recidivism!
You are thinking of unhealthy. Between healthy and unhealthy are neutral things that our body simply processes and expels as long as we don’t get oo much. The whole point of discouraging any consumption of alcoholic drinks is to counter the myths that alcohol provides health benefits.
A small amount of alcohol on occasion doesn’t cause harm to the body. It is processed and expelled. That is why fermented foods, which contain trace amounts of alcohol, are not unhealthy.
Most spices aren’t healthy in the way that the majority of people use the word for food. They don’t provide nutrients our bodies need. Pepper doesn’t improve our health, but it doesn’t harm us either in reasonable quantities. It is something our body simply expels, just like small amounts of many other things that our body processes and expels.
The point is that the level of alcohol that is not harmful is really low compared to what people think.
Not being healthy for you isn’t the same as always being a detriment. There is a non-zero amount of alcohol that can be ingested without causing harm. Sometimes having a small amount of something that isn’t great for you, but makes you feel good is fine. A few sugary snacks occasionally is never healthy, but it also isn’t always harmful. Same with alcohol, having a small glass of wine to celebrate something a couple times a year doesn’t provide nutritional health benefits, but it also isn’t going to cause harm.
Na, fuck sugar, it’s as deadly as rat poison, a little won’t kill you but no amount is good for you and the only reason you are defending it is because you think it has some good traits and it doesn’t. Maybe it’s a good thing it’s hard to defend since it is literally poison. Try Pot or Lsd both are less harmful than Sugar and are more fun
Fixed that for you.
There will be humans around, but there will probably be far fewer of them. We are excellent survivors.
River…John…John the Baptist.
Indiana Jones was able to ride the sub because he was granted water powers by God as part of his quest to find the Ark!
A glass of juice is food.
I honestly don’t remember the last time I visited a site that required me to play the picture game, just the click here if you are not a robot checkbox.
Racing game, FPS, arcade style fighting game. I trade off which of the three I’m playin.
This also explains how I’m only ok at all three!
I used it three times this morning at the dentist because I couldn’t talk. Also use it regularly at work to convey agreement. See others use it fairly often too.
Games and movies have already used algorithms for background crowds and hair movement, AI would just be a continuation of that kind of thing. One reason to be against it for that purpose is because of the concern of how it will be implemented, since those old algorithms were seen as a tool for professionals to use instead of something to replace those same professionals.
The main concern with generative AI is the ‘replace your workforce’ mentality that is associated with it. The copyright one is secondary.
Some people just want to watch the world burn.
Seriously there are so many parallels to real life. This was made in 2012. A bit ahead of its time.
Like with most movies and books that seem ahead of their time because they ‘predict the future’, the show was based on an existing trend that was happening and they accurately predicted the obvious outcome. That isn’t a criticism of their artistic ability, just pointing out that we were well on this path back in 2012 and the show happened to highlight that trend.
There was also the rumor of the actor who put the hamster up their bum.
It was all innocent stupidity and none of it was malicious though.
People like well crafted jokes.
The joke was taking a premise about one thing and exaggerating it to mean something it didn’t, which made it clear that it was mocking the jews rule the world thing.
That post extrapolated a possible new tangentsl meaning by taking the concept based on actual common trends of wearing beanies to an extreme by applying it to different a head covering and was obviously a joke. That was fun!
You inserted meaning that wasn’t there by speculating that the ‘real’ joke was something not even pictured or relevant to twist the joke into something negative. While there is a ton of shitty memes out there this is not one of them.
Being their real names doesn’t keep it from sounding like a joke name.
If it isn’t accurate to the source material, it isn’t concise.
LLMs are good at reducing word count.