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I did this and I don’t notice a difference
Use a USB 3. Speed means nothing for open media vault
The mobile app broke
Me, and I will find you
I didn’t deactivate the machine learning. It’s definitely doable
That could work but I’m worried about potential data corruption. RClone is well tested for sending data through the internet, even on the dogiest of connections
Can I also use RClone with this? I use restic to backup daily, and RClone to back up the repo remotely. Would be great to have it integrated
Selfhost Gitea
Unfortunately it’s closed source, which I consider to be malware
Restic with Backrest: https://forum.restic.net/t/backrest-a-cross-platform-backup-orchestrator-and-webui-for-restic/7069
Although I use ResticProfile atm with RClone to sync to backblaze B2
Please quiet
Can you put Linux (God’s intended OS) on it?
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