That quote has stuck with me for a long time.
I use Debian btw
That quote has stuck with me for a long time.
New blood joins this hood
And quickly he’s a dude
Some Metallica song i guess
I was a huge Metallica fan when I was a teen, but before we had the internet and I couldn’t look up the lyrics, I had to write them down as I heard them. And I still hear that song this way, even though I know better.
And, I suppose, to keep Disney’s G to PG rating. Can’t really market a movie to kids and show animated titties, now can you? Also, she’s only 16, so there’s that.
Then again, why is Ariel only 16 to begin with? I get that she’s a teenager in the source material, but it’s not like Disney has never taken artistic liberties. And it’s not like 18 year olds don’t deal with power struggles with their parents. I was having power struggles with mine at 22.
The way he so quickly racked that slide is a huge tell that this isn’t his first rodeo. If you brandish on someone with a sticker or magnet, you know you’re not in any real danger. Dude is just a psycho nutbag who has never lost an argument because his retaliation is always gun.
This is the kind of guy to shoot at kids for knocking on his front door while his family tells the media he’s a good person.
Had this happen to me yesterday while I was out shopping. I’d been three other locations. I just wanted to hit up a particular place where I buy my dairy for milk, butter, and cheese before heading home, and the cashier (a little old lady) was going on and and on. Like, lady, you’re really sweet, but I’ve been out for three hours, and I just wanna get home.
But I’m not a monster. I listened to her. I did make my escape after about ten minutes lol I’m sure she talks the ears off her grandkids.
I, too, have a tendency to ramble and over share lol
Damn. I wrote meth and changed it to crack at the last second. I have let my addict heritage down. My father would be disappointed if he wasn’t so high right now. :(
The crack pipe is a wonderful touch.
But turning the keyboard upside down is how you find the snacks you stored for later!
Yep. My '97 uses a dry belt and the change interval is something like 7 years or 100k. I’ve heard of Ford engines dying at 40k because the wet belt lost teeth, and it bent valves or punched holes in pistons or both.
If they’re gonna use a wet belt, they could at least put it in a non-interference engine so it just runs like crap or shuts off when it skips time.
But how else would they sell you a new car every 4 years?
One thing about cars made in the last 15 or so years that really bugs me: plastic valve covers.
As many times as an engine heat cycles, there’s no way you’re gonna keep one intact as soon as it has any kind of real age on it. Does it truly cost that much money to make an iron or aluminum valve cover?
Another reason EVs are NOT the way forward. They’re heavier than ICE cars and so they go through tires significantly faster. I wonder if anyone has done the math on how much of our world is filled with microplastics from car tire treadwear. I imagine it’s astonishing.
Adding: It’s also not surprising to me if car tires are made of plastic these days. The level of engineering it takes to make a tire sticky enough to bring a modern 5,000 pound SUV to a full stop like the 3,500 pound sedans of yore has to be insane.
Which is ironic, given that with the sea level rise happening, the last thing Venice needs is more water.
But hey, the fish will have some really valuable real estate in a few decades.
What if shutting down and dissociating is relaxing to me?
German: “There are like…a lot of different ways to say ‘the’ based on case and gender and you’d better believe most answers you might come up with as a non-native speaker are wrong.”
English: “THE is THE!”
Seriously, English has its flaws, but the simplification of article adjectives is one area where it shines.
Mine dates to '09. It’s been dead since '14. I only keep it around to use Marketplace since Craigslist is basically dead.
Well your first problem is using Google.
Gotta use Duck Duck Go + Tor + VPN on a burner phone you can yeet into the middle of international waters when you’re done. Make sure to sink the boat while you’re there, too. That way, under international law, nobody owns it.
I’d argue it’s not always comfortable for them. Consider how hot black pavement can get on a summer day. I never make my dog walk across a parking lot when it’s been baking under a 100 degree sun. I carry him to a shaded area, at least.
And you’ll sound funny on the way out. I see this as a win-win.
It’s the NYT’s mini crossword puzzle
There’s a charm to early 3D. Late 2D is a timeless look, but early 3D is unmistakably mid 90s to early 2000s stuff.
I’ve been running the original Resident Evil trilogy. The graphics age it, of course, but the games are just awesome. Resources are limited. You have to consider what’s worth wasting ammo on. You have to consider if you’ve done enough to justify a save. The puzzles aren’t terribly difficult, but they’re satisfying. And I love a good old fashioned jump scare.