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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • As I wander through the desolate wastes of this once-great land, surrounded by the ruins of structures grand enough to have been constructed by the gods themselves, I am constantly haunted by the glare of the despot responsible for it all. His gaze stares down upon me as though reaching inside my soul to condemn my rebellious heart.

    Despite the untold lives he has ruined, my conditioning is so strong that I am compelled to drop to my knees and shout, “Oh, Mighty One! You will never give us up, you will never let me down, you will never hurt me.”

    But as I stand in the middle of a desert with nobody to hear my cries, I know deep down that he has indeed let me down. Still, the conditioning is too strong. We are strangers to love, and you know the rules—so do I. I wouldn’t get this from any other guy. The cult would never accept me back if I were to renounce my faith.

    With all that in mind, I wander into the desert, knowing there’s no water for miles, promising I’m never gonna run around.

  • Mostly I only have to keep one machine updated but besides that I can play really really long game from anywhere such as RPG’s, that I used to love but I sit at work now so staying at a desk after already sitting for hours kills me, I can move seamlessly from my desk to the living room to my bed to the toilet. Also this doesn’t show the whole story, I have a ton of emulated games that wouldn’t look any better on my pc anyway and getting all the controls set up is a royal pain so this way I only have to do it once and can dock anywhere I really do hope we are going to a one pc future, the only real benefit my computer has is the graphics and you would be surprised how much those just don’t matter, heresy I know but I genuinely don’t care anymore this coming from someone who spent 1500 On a Pc with a 3080 during Covid times, I notice the difference the frame rate can suck depending on the game you’re playing but honestly I just don’t care about that as much as as the convenience. fighting with Windows is a game all in itself one I used to love but now I am a software engineer and will stay as far away from that as possible.

  • Lol, it reminds me of that 30’s Rock skit, the millionaire CEO Boss guy(I think he was played by Alec Baldwin) was demoted to the mail room, the lowest floor and every new scene he would be on a higher floor and had moved himself up on sheer work ethic alone until he was CEO again within a few hours.

  • Traveling at the fastest speeds possible it would take 2,537,000,000 years to get from here to the andromeda galaxy if StarWars was live streamed from the Milky Way Galaxy we still wouldn’t see it for approximately 2,537,000,000 years, since we have seen it, it must have taken place around the same time as in the late Pliocene epoch, the only people around to watch it would be our pre human ancestors Woolly mammoth’s and sabertooth tigers.

    BUT WAIT! I hear you say Han Solo could travel faster than light, That’s right he could go 0.5 past the speed of light In other words it would take Han 1.69 Million years, changing nothing accept maybe a bit more ice.

    But wait you say desperately Han wasn’t using normal measurements thanks to retconning, This is true in later (Technically non canon now) supplementary work the speed ships travel was deliberately obfuscated and changed to the point of magic but let’s do the math anyway, from 1930 to 2024 is 94 years in order to travel 2,537,000,000 light years you would have to travel 27 million times the speed of light, now let’s talk about how that kind of speed would shatter canon so badly that it can’t be accurate. Actually let’s not because it’s currently 3am and I’m tired but needless to say it breaks everything.

  • I disagree, wishing for a company that is objectively bad for society like Tobacco, Third party drug companies, housing investors, etc… is perfectly reasonable.

    I also think wishing dose nothing and there real problem is often well earned negative press.

    If you don’t want negative press don’t do anti consumer things and don’t blame a vague nebulous them as a boogeyman to place blame on just because you couldn’t play by the rules.

    You rose to power during the rise of the internet you have no excuse you knew it was always like this, you just made shitty decisions that made society turn against you.