For browser, there is a webapp that can be selfhosted. See here https://github.com/logseq/logseq/blob/master/docs/docker-web-app-guide.md
I think you need chromium browsers due to the API they use, but it should work.
🇮🇹 🇪🇪 🖥
For browser, there is a webapp that can be selfhosted. See here https://github.com/logseq/logseq/blob/master/docs/docker-web-app-guide.md
I think you need chromium browsers due to the API they use, but it should work.
I agree, personally.
In general I feel the words are so abstract (blacklist and whitelist) that I can’t really see how someone will see some other meaning…
Totally discussing useless stuff here, but green and red to me give the feeling of temporary actions (and possibly alternating). Intuitively sounds more like slowing and speeding than it does permanently blocking or allowing something.
Black and white have the polar opposite meaning. At this point allowlist and blocklist might be a simpler solution to the “problem”.
Yes, you could run it in LAN only. You could access it via VPN only.
Obviously this adds friction in addition to security, but if that’s fine with you, you can.
Thanks for the head’s up!
Blind (I mean literally, he said he supports doesn’t matter what) support to Putin and his imperial effort, public support for the ongoing invasion of Ukraine, helped gathering money for military equipment, showed up to the front to “support troops” and other stuff like that.
Wikipedia has a few lines, with a few sources linked.
You can see also a video (in Russian): https://smotrim.ru/video/2587296
Essentially the equivalent of an IDF groupie. Yuck.
Technically wouldn’t being a democracy be an aggravating factor for Israel wrongdoings, which makes the population more responsible compared to Russian or Belarussian one (therefore including athletes)?
I don’t really agree with the rationale, although I personally wouldn’t have supported a ban on Israelis athletes (similarly to how I generally don’t agree with the same ban on Russian athletes - unless you are specifically a supporter of values that go against the Olympics such as genocide…- e.g., I agree with Karjakin being banned from any chess competition).
My Fairphone does, and I have already purchased a batter for 35 euros, which I keep in my drawer. The phone is now just over 3 years old, probably in a year or so I will replace it. I am aiming for at least 6-7 years lifespan.
Run it with sudo in case you don’t see the process name with the above command.
sudo ss -patln | grep 443