• 7 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: December 9th, 2023


  • Yes, this goes doubly so for the states that receive the most hand outs, deep red states every damn one, like Louisiana (Mike Johnson’s state, yes that scumbag who desperately wants to cut medicaid).

    Yes it is easy as a NE lefty to point and laugh bitterly at the leopards eating faces people screaming about getting their faces eaten by leopards, but just because people have stupid politics doesn’t mean they deserve the horrible degree of suffering that is coming for them, poor working class people in red states are about to get hit so incredibly hard it is fucking tragic.

    Yeah, we are gonna get hit everywhere, and most people aren’t that far from being in scary financial straits in the US even if they aren’t technically “working class” or the poorest of the poor on paper, it is going to be ugly because you are right, this is definitely the greatest assault on the lower classes since the Reagan era.

    How horrible to be brutally reminded in 2025 of how fucked the air traffic controllers got for striking because of staffing issues and other reason during the Reagan era and how those issues in many ways were never actually addressed.


  • …where immigrants are objectified and treated exactly as disposably and thoughtlessly as the droids are in Star Wars.

    It actually really bothers me how Star Wars loves to charm the audience with charismatic clearly sentient robot slaves and yet doesn’t give a fuck about ANY of the ethical implications of all that fun except for the occasional flavor sideplot. I am tired of people normalizing this and laughing it all off cus aren’t the robot slaves cute when they grumble? (similar thing with LOTR and orcs basically, but ugly because ugly = evil).

    They are sentient, it is fucked up to deal with it extremely inconsistently and it demonstrates a stunning lack of understanding of the responsibility storytellers have to subvert dehumanizing narratives that can lead to egregious systematic storytelling issues.

    Star Wars unintentionally reflects the culture it came out of in many ways, and not in a good way.

  • This is why so many highly intelligent people devote as much time in their lives to art as they possibly can.

    It is only through art that you can begin to subvert an architecture of stolen and foreclosed futures.

    In another world maybe Pynchon just became an unbelievably good editor for aeronautics technical journals.

    Let us not forget that the rich, even on the allies side of WW2 (insofar as the rich keep up the theater of needing to pick a side) would rather not have had even a single Alan Turing if they could not impose a conservative trauma upon him and make him deny his basic self, and so he was executed and bigotry was preserved at a terrible cost we can never know the full extent of.

    History is a nightmare from which we are trying to awake.

    edit I am imagining the person who downvoted me was like “hey, I feel excluded as a homophobic computer nerd by this statement” -> downvote