I upgraded immich without breaking everything. That’s always reason to celebrate.
I upgraded immich without breaking everything. That’s always reason to celebrate.
I love your soup filled bread bowl, but there’s no pizza in that picture.
Ovulation is just another fancy liberal word for abortion. Wasting eggs is killing babies.
Do I need this? /s
I hope I don’t…
You can’t explain anything to people who will intentionally misunderstand you and assume the worse.
I see what you’re saying, but I think we disagree on a basic premise.
What’s the purpose of society?
Of course, you’d rather have food or shelter. And why would you not have food and shelter? Oh, because society deems that if you don’t work, you don’t live.
And don’t knock masturbating. It’s a lot of fun. So is programming with no real goal. Sometimes you enjoy the journey, not the destination.
Advice isn’t the force of law. Don’t be silly. There’s plenty of reasons to hate communism that don’t require you to be silly.
Only if you’re lucky. I loved programming. Used to do it all the time. Got a job doing it, and it’s just exhausting now. So much gets caught up in the process: money to survive, meeting other people’s deadlines and goals, etc. It kills the enjoyment.
willing to pay for this
Capitalism. You shouldn’t strive to profit off doing things you enjoy. The profit motive IS the problem.
Karens aren’t just women.
But if you disagree, can you let me know what word we use for men? I’m happy to use that for everybody.
Not until we get another word for the same persona.
And for some reason we can’t use “bitch” anymore.
I swapped out photoprism for immich and I’m much happier.
They do. You pay taxes.
Then, honestly, why be here? Life is too short to bother with things you don’t like. Especially when they can be trivially avoided.
Tomato soup and grilled cheese
Rephrased: let’s incentivize homelessness so we can use them as de facto slaves because they won’t make money so can’t escape.
We tried that before. Corporate towns were hell. The minimum wage wasn’t created because we are just so nice. It was to address a problem.
There’s a reason that we don’t let people be employed and their only payment is food and shelter.
I don’t care how desperate things get. I will NOT do printer work.
It happens anyway. It’s possible, but very very unlikely, that within two generations none of your grandkids shares any DNA with you.
Are you saying that Trump has no interest in changing our cyber security stance to favor Russia? Or that he’s powerless to do so?