They were taking full advantage of English being a second language too. Pathetic children. What a fucking embarrassment.
He is playing games, with everyone else’s livelihood
he needs more challenges in his life
no details at the moment, but I upload nearly 1Tb / day of media. so 25TB per month UPLOAD, you can imagine my downloads.
yeah, shit post.
Jewish space laser?
shows that were all abused together.
man, thought it was just me.
good movie, but definitely doesn’t top 1987 RoboCop, sorry mate.
if you’re walking on earth, you’re probably connected to someone. or showering. or breathing. or anything…
I think op meant more along the lines of normal, everyday people, not radical extremists who hate everyone that isn’t like them.
and by normal, I mean non hate driven people. I believe everyone is weird in some way, there is no “normal”.
the way I described it to my son is everyone has the same right to be happy as he does, you don’t get to dictate that to anyone. we love you for your weirdness and expect the same for anyone else.
or a new smaller tv sitting on top of the old, wood frame tv as a stand now
didn’t even think of that lol
Jason alexander
moving a body doesn’t mean they committed murder, seems more like accessory or destruction of evidence.
nah, underwater. unfiltered and pure
the penis scene was just pure gold.
what about internet killed the video star
We’re all just tired of being taken advantage of. Dems are weak with no spine/teeth, Republicans are selfish egotistical maniacs. Everyone out for themselves and will step on anyone they can to get what they want.
We just need people like Bernie who just wants to help pretty much everyone with healthcare, rights, etc. but the money from corruption is too good.