Isn’t it literally the one who dictates? (Maybe you were skipping that step)
Isn’t it literally the one who dictates? (Maybe you were skipping that step)
This sounds like a feature music streaming services should introduce with the sync up to your phone’s alarm
Yeah mixture of both, wouldn’t you agree?
Sometimes you can get far by just being lucky.
Sometimes you can get far by just working hard.
You’re most likely to get far by working hard and being lucky.
You can still not get anywhere even when you work hard.
Strong economies create more opportunities which means your luck factor doesn’t have to be as high.
I’m downvoting, but this still makes more sense than the post did.
But but there’s a person on the internet that might be wrong! *shakes fist at sky*
I wish more effort was put in to gamifying education courses.
He didn’t accomplish anything though did he?
Except the gunman was killed right? So he wouldn’t be able to try again.
The distinction that has been made here is that “NSFW” only means "pornography
Who has made this distinction? NSFW in my opinion is anything that is, you know, not safe for work.
That would include pretty much any explicit content. Extreme gore for example would be another type of content which isn’t really safe for work.
Probably also images of self harm.
However, alot of content on Lemmy doesn’t fall in to the above criteria, so it is ‘safe’ for work. Just like how light magazines are appropriate for work, but a porn mag isn’t.
Shields innit
I’m smashing that follow button!
I mean, it’s only dumb for people who aren’t interested.
The world is full of things that I’d hate that other people love. That doesn’t make them dumb. To each their own, you know?
Chilli in ice cream, I mean wtf?
They’re pubic because they grow from the mons pubis, no?
Why would I buy a new phone that has less features…?
Because of all those time you need to take a picture of your feet underwater!
For anyone else reading this that also doesn’t know F to C conversion like me…
101F = 38.33333C
Most things*
Definitely not everything.
Are you guys remembering what you did more than 15 hours ago?
not everyone can do it
Also good to remember that almost nobody can do it everyday. It’s definitely good to be consistent with one’s approach, however all parents are human and will lose patience at times.
Lol alright have a nice day.
Thank you!