Well apple is succulent stem of apple tree. Potato is succulent root of potato plant. Root is stem inside ground. Q.E.D.
Well apple is succulent stem of apple tree. Potato is succulent root of potato plant. Root is stem inside ground. Q.E.D.
Yeah but those are arguments to cd
, the error says command not found
Edit: Sorry didn’t see /S
There are basically two types of files. Text files and binary files.
Most information are stored in text files so humans can easily understand it, and it’s easier to find errors, review, parse. But text storage takes more space than binary files. And many complicated softwares normally need multiple text files or data files, many of them just store them together as a zip file so that it’s easier to handle. Examples are .docx,.pptx, etc files in MS Office, try unzipping them and see what they contain. Zipping also has advantages of reducing file sizes.
He did not have to provide lifelong project and work on it. He just needed to donate his money and people in UN would have worked with that money. Even if it didn’t work, he’d still have done a real great job by donating that much. And maybe we could have learn money is not the solution and we need to change approach.
Yeah it is sad that we don’t have flash. But today I saw there’s a program Ruffle (written in Rust) that can run flash, and add support to browser through extensions or something.
It’s hard to screenshot dreams because you are in your dreams and have very low conscious control over your real body.
But you can start the screen recording before you goto sleep so that it’ll be recorded automatically. You can extract frames. Good luck.
You know how people say “Devil you know is better than God you don’t”?
Excel is that Devil people know. It’s not the best tool for a lot of stuffs but it let’s people do things.
I saw a co-worker generate sequence for formula in excel for another cell in excel. They wanted to do average of all January data, instead of averageif/sumif/countif etc, they generated a sequence a1+a13+a25… And used excels’ drag down thing to make the formula. I’m like who could even verify it.
If there was an easy way to use rust or something on webassemly and use that instead of JS. I’d be so happy, but I can’t find how to do it without npm.
I think that’s why Github suggests MIT as default. Unaware people will just put that. Most open source people just code things they want without thinking much on other aspects. We really need some sort of enforcement to stop companies banking on voluntary work done for the community.
You can use your library for commercial projects that you have. Just have dual license that requires payment for commercial use or something similar. You don’t have to pay yourself
It’s horizontal growth vs vertical. Growing by getting more coverage is growth but it’s not sustainable growth that you get by getting the next generation into it.
It’s not even at OS level (unless you’re thinking fonts are OS level). So basically you’d just need to define a font, with certain unicodes with images you want, and make sure it ranks higher than other fonts. So the application will search for any characters in that font, and then for those you didn’t define, it’ll search in other fonts.
Tell that to Newtown