That actually makes it funnier to me because ananas would be easier to pronounce in Japanese vs pineapple. Ananansu(u is silent) vs Painappuru.
actually I found the joke to be funnier because it was litterally technically correct.
The meme is litterally correct. when you make an audio file into an mp3, it takes some of the sonic information that our brains are bad at noticing and just…completely removes it(to save storage space). if its a high quallity mp3 its essentially completely unnoticable. That’s why it’s psycoacoustic, it uses psycology to fool your brain into thinking it sounds better than it does, litterally.
Psycoacoustic is basically just a big word for taking into account how our brains deal with what we hear.
Also I’m not saying mp3 is bad, in fact I think the opposite is true. I think its good to think of it like being the .JPG of audio, you’re not getting the original quallity and thats the point and unless you need to do manipulate that audio file and its a reasonable quallity then you likely won’t notice the difference.
Ogg vorbis (.ogg) is a better codec though IMO.
According to the cube rule of food identification this is correct.
Locally hosted Firefox.
I’ve always thought it was completely rediculous that airlines charge a premium to board the plane sooner, like yea sure you wanna spend extra money to be on the cramped plane for a LONGER period of time? lol. Edit: I read some of the other comments mentioning getting dibs on overhead space and yea, if you’re carrying on you bags that would make sense.
Well, theres “working” and theres “working well”. Capitalism is not working so well anymore and its likely going to work worse as time goes on. more things will become automated, wealth inequality (and therefore a gap in political power) will grow, and companies will keep expecting increased growth in a world of limited(and in some cases, decreasing) resources. Capitalism currently “works” in the sense that its making resources move around, but thats about all its doing for regular, non rich, non well off people(and often is not doing even that much for them). It’s simply not sustainable when unregulated, thats why we need a well regulated economy.
Tbf theres less expected emf on that set compared to a normal set because the boom op is not using headphones.
I’m mostly just responding to your points, but if I’m trying to make any argument its that mile per mile train infrastructure is cheaper than road infrastructure when you add up all of the costs, especially the ones people normally dont consider including vehicle maintinance, extra land and infrastructure for parking, more policing, gas, time wasted on longer commutes, ect. I’m also trying to point out that the reason we can’t have nice things is because we have chosen the wrong priorities as a society, thats why we are stuck in a loop where we try to solve our car problems with more cars and car infrastructure instead of addressing the root cause of the problem.
“* all of the factors you just listed also apply to railways”
“* since railways are more expensive to construct and maintain than roadways, there are more cases in which a railway couldn’t pay for itself versus a roadway”
“* why would a company build a private road when the government will do it for them?”
You’re thinking of dividing by 0, if you divide 0 by any other number its 0 meaning your ka/d ratio in that situation is still 0. 1 kill and 0 deaths would be infinite kdr.
When you asked for no onions fair election but you still got onions a fair election.
That would be an improvement actually, because the customers of these companies are not users, they are other companies looking to advertise or buy users personal data. The users of for profit social media are in fact the product, not the customers.
Couldn’t you use immich for this?