Alt accounts that are also me:
Shorter too, which is always good for a community name. You win!
Lemmy_at_them, to have a wider scope.
Allow me to introduce you to the concepts of “blind holes” and “through holes”…
youtube channel whitelist
I’d like to do the same, but it looks like that particular Firefox extension is no longer available. Is there a current version that you use?
Happy cake day!
Thanks for linking the Reddit thread. I tried to do my part to spread the word. The more people talk about Lemmy on Reddit, the more people users will switch.
Why not do the steps you outlined above as a macro on your keyboard? This eliminates the need for JS. To extract the video URL, you could use some RegEx automatically or
Thanks for the recommendation. I’ve done pretty much exactly what you describe using AutoHotKey.
As is everyone born between 1965 and 2015, which is quite a few people.
I am still invested into this weird request :)
Haha, not sure why you would be, but thanks!
Why not do the steps you outlined above as a macro on your keyboard? This eliminates the need for JS.
This is another option I am considering. Again, I’m not too familiar with the tools, but I’m vaguely aware of tools like AutoHotkey. Are there any tools you would recommend for this sort of thing?
Wow, thanks for your offer to help! I’ve added a link to the post of what I’ve tried so far. Should open on your home instance.
Thanks, this is a good idea. I started to look into it, but then ran into some challenges in parsing the JavaScript to extract the video ID of the ad:
Do you have any experience with JavaScript?
Are you building a collection of ads that you feel will be lost media?
Yeah, more or less. Every YouTube pre-roll advertisement is also just a regular video on the platform, but often the video is often unlisted. I’ve had a couple cases where I thought “I remember a funny ad about that” or “I remember a unique cut of this movie trailer” once the ad is no longer running, and I haven’t been able to find them. A way to autosave every pre-roll ad would give me the option of looking them up later.
But now I will be able to have tabs within groups within windows within desktops!
things like Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are not in convenient places
Huh, I hunt-and-peck Qwerty and touch-type Dvorak and that has never bothered me. I can know where C and V are, and I just press them.
I don’t game much though, and could see the issue if WASD are scattered all over like they are in Dvorak and can’t be remapped.
I can hear this picture, and it does not sound conducive to a good night’s sleep.
Cool, TIL! How much is generally added? Is it a trace amount or a substantial fraction?
Why would tungsten be thoriated? Is it an impurity which is hard to remove, or is it intentionally added for some specific purpose?
Even though the radioactivity would be negligible, it would still be toxic as a heavy metal. Tungsten is definitely the way to go here.
Thanks, you’re a real MVP.