Quite the opposite. Look at what they need to get a fraction of what you do.
Or use the old quote, “they’re compensating for small pp”
Quite the opposite. Look at what they need to get a fraction of what you do.
Or use the old quote, “they’re compensating for small pp”
What do you mean, isn’t guns like play things for everyone starting age 3?
It means what is not already happening will never happen.
Tinkering is for hippies and hippies are communist.
Name paid commercial software to replace grep
You forgot automake.sh to the list of ways to solve the problem that still suck
You say we are the most law abiding but also we are on average throwing bikes as much as anyone else. Can you pick a side please?
Second step: get an apron and a giant sized toddler chair
What about those shared bikes thrown on the water ever weekend?
Na that’s just plain old lying
I’m new to saxomophone, any relationship with the xylophone?
That graph is what the herd behavior looks like. But if you break down, take 2 people who are actually on bottom quartile. While on average they think they’re 3rd quartile aka a bit above average, one of them will have impostor syndrome and the other one will think they’re the smartest person around. Then for the top 2 smartest people around, one will know it for sure and the other will think of themselves less than the overconfident newbie described above.
OMG the special envelope seems to make it specially easier for people to steal just the right mail
Never ask an engineer why lol
Source: am engineer
I had a friend with one of those while I had an Atari. The Atari game would come up within a minute, but the tape took like 15 min to start.
Is it anywhere you can share?
Plot twist, reboot takes 11 minutes and you didn’t test for it
I’ll date myself. My first PC had 500MB of STORAGE
We got the Trojan in, let’s move move move!
Yep the real McGiver would use chewing gum. 80s tv character, nothing beats chewing gum.