Do you even lift bro?
Seriously though, doing some exercise could fix both of those problems. Kicking extinct fish doesn’t count.
ihan normi koodi työ ukko
Do you even lift bro?
Seriously though, doing some exercise could fix both of those problems. Kicking extinct fish doesn’t count.
No, it’s actually a comment section for a Youtube video, and it is appropriate to voice an opinion related to it here.
The meme you’re parroting fits better when someone goes wildly off-topic, which is not what happened here.
Bojack was pure gold. No idea about the rest.
Don’t you even think about the billionaires, bro?
How to tell the world your testosterone levels have peaked and the decline is making you a bit cranky.
If you say so. However, feel free to be one of those people who discover later in life how their quality of life drastically went up with a bit of jogging or going to the gym. “If I had figured this out younger, I would have …” and so on.