Don’t be worse than Russia. Please fix.
One sci-hub. Very little if we talk about all literature.
Depends on country. In Russia only being first seeder is illegal. New peers fall under “technical limitations” clause.
That’s very little.
Many lossless codecs are lossy codecs + residual encoders. For example FLAC has predictor(lossy codec) + residual.
How is it better than about:profile
Lowest position pays 2M roubles a month?! Are they selling cocaine?!
If you “talk to” a LLM on your GPU, it is not making any calls to the internet,
No, I’m talking about https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/External_memory_algorithm
Unrelated to RAGs
Just buy used PC. Same perf, lower price.
You can always uses system memory too. Not exactly an UMA, but close enough.
Or just use iGPU.
Aren’t LLMs external algorithms at this point? As in the all data will not fit in RAM.
Depends on how deep you want to integrate AI. It ranges from learn to rank(AKA AI sorting) and transforming user input(ha! pun!) to vector search(transforming user input to special format) and learned index(AI search). And then there are whole area of AI, LLMs specifically, wchich sits on top of search engines: retrival-augmented generators(search-and-generate).
I don’t think goal of Gemini was search. There are better tools for search, including AI tools.
Can’t they just set up shop in some place like Russia and say FU?
Maybe not now, but I hope after Putin dies or gets arrested, we will gladly host all books on used hardware from Yarovaya’s package and various city-wide survaliance networks. Maybe add some new hardware.
How you express something doesn’t change the amount of information is contained in the message.
Welcome to the world of entropy coding.
It is not. If I in July in Europe will say “there is no snow outside”, I give you very little information. If in same conditions I will say “there is snow outside”, I will give a lot of information.
Amount of information is proportional to (logarithm of) improbability of outcome.
Is it actually information?
Yes. For every bit of number pi you get one bit of information.
I can give you the number two
You gave me log2(10) bits of information. Thanks.
but it’s not useful information until I also tell you which digit is significant and what the number means.
You are misunderstanding what informatiob is.
There are flibusta archives, but most of content is in russian