dot one
dot one
Website changed, but it is still out there.
Edit: syntax
Okay, yeah, that is definitely concerning.
There are no ads on my Kindle.
After the feature of being able to send EPUB files to Kindle through email and them being automatically converted… I have not felt I was missing anything by using standard Kindle software.
So I’d suggest, unless you really really need some obscure feature, Calibre+Kindle is nowadays perfectly fine, and maybe you shouldn’t risk bricking your device.
This thingie fails miserably when trying to listen to covers, alternate versions and the like. Most times it just plays a different version. And I hate that.
I feel that at this point, I have lost all faith we will ever see RCS as an actual libre, federated protocol.
I bricked a (very annoying) router trying to update its packages, so I am really looking forward for a sane package management system instead of the absolute manual mess it was before (and seems like still is).
Is there any benefit to that aside from cleanliness?
I know that “g!” works, but the correct way is “!g”.
Was a great phone for me. Sadly, charging port went nuts, it was very very hard to charge it properly and after the second morning with a dead phone, I had to make a decision.
And no, repairing it is virtually impossible as they freaking soldered it to everything else, making the repair extremely expensive.
It’d be great to share what kind of content are we talking about here.
Sorry but your argument is absolutely false. Even if Firefox is not the most private browser ever, it’s waaaay more private than Chrome. And you can even make it better with a couple of toggles.
Or… “Chrome company” could strike a deal with Google and keep an exclusive integration with Chrome, in exchange of all of users metadata. Capitalis*m.
I guess you could keep Chrome as it is running in another company… But Chrome is Google-service-clogged Chromium, still making money for Google and changing literally nothing in terms of monopolistic behavior by Google. I don’t see the benefit in this division.
Chrome or Chromium? Because it’s logically impossible to have Chrome without Google.
I support this idea. Moving is the perfect opportunity to classify your stuff into useful and wasteful, specially clothes, shoes, and some older electronics. Recycle and donate.
Also, if you have a phone you can turn any document into a digital one, find manuals online and trash the paper ones, etc.
It’s amazing when you suddenly feel lighter, and you didn’t know you had all that psychological weight on you.
In what sense is DuckDNS unreliable?
No one will shed a single tear for you, greedy bastards.