Still a very green banana.
To eliminate this cheat vector, we have made the decision to prevent access to the game for Linux users. This means that Apex Legends will be unplayable immediately for those running this operating system. Playing on handhelds, such as the Steam Deck, is still possible if the user opts to install Windows.
translates to them cutting off linux support so people will be forced to use approved operating systems like Windows which will require more hardware which means more money for those companies and more intrusive anti cheat software that gives users data away
way more than just about Windows and some games
this is about locking users into approved environments with no wiggle room just like on Tron
double check the GPU drivers are up to date and not using a more stable out of date version
is it a purchased or pirated?
if pirated using the custom game launcher portproton could be what you are looking for
Ubuntu 24.04, Debian 12, Linux Mint 21.x, Deepin
if it is purchased you may have to use something like Arch that has more up to date bleeding edge rather than a stable release such as Ubuntu
offers a small improvement over the last version but does not address the majority of the issues keeping Nvidia from fully working on Linux
wayland is still broke on Nvidia
Google Translate app available for phones allows anyone to read any language with your camera and along with modern browsers being able to translate virtually any language the world is getting even smaller and innovations larger than life
nonSteam games, pirated games, maybe your setup or you yourself needs different settings for whatever reason, console emulation, and more
from the above link:
It is based on Valve’s version of WINE (Proton) and its modifications (Proton GE). It includes a set of scripts combined with wine-proton itself, a Steam Runtime Sniper container with the addition of ported versions of MANGOHUD (displaying useful information in the game window: FPS, FrameTime, CPU, GPU, etc.) and vkBasalt (improving graphics in games, very good in conjunction with FSR, DLSS) + many already configured optimizations for maximum performance.
One-click automatic installation (on the AUTO-install tab) of popular launchers such as: WGC, Epic Games, BattleNET, Origin, EVE Online, RockStar, Ubisoft connect, League of Legends and many others has been implemented.
For console game lovers, there are many console emulators available (under the EMULATORS tab): PPSSPP, Citra, Cemu, ePSXe, MAME and many more…
does the same thing the dwarf compressed .sh game starters do
they do what you said but with very specific instructions, settings, and tweaks you would otherwise have to manually configure
mpv without a frontend vs using celluloid as a frontend for mpv for example
umu has great potential but is not polished enough for an end user like portproton is at this point in time
would be like comparing Nvidia with Intel
Faugus Launcher is a frontend for the umu-launcher
it does not have the same performance and your fps in games will show it as well as graphics
there is a translate button built into modern browsers
and since startwine has not been cutting it lately portproton has been the only option
yes English developed options exist but are not on par such as Faugus Launcher or the Heroic Games Launcher
our computer repair shop has tested all the available game launchers for Linux on modern games
because English users and all other language users use it as well to play games
Cyberpunk 2077 is what am currently playing using this launcher because it is the only one that works and allows all the settings we prefer such as raytracing on top of good consistent fps
if you notice my other post on here was AdaptiveCPP which is also what use with portproton to get good fps
talking Cyberpunk with raytracing and medium settings on 1080p with an Intel arc A750 8GB 70+/- fps
Linux Gaming works but only with a big toolbox packed with good tools
most modern browsers should have a translate button readily available
portproton handles it all with an easy GUI window with on/off tabs for setting up the game with ease
A project that aims to make it easier for both novice and experienced users to run Windows games on Linux.
The project aims to make the process of running games (and other software) as easy as possible, but at the same time provides flexible settings for experienced users.
also portproton will download all required packages in the program such as vkBasalt and will have an easy to use GUI
my bad did not notice the link failed to attach fixed it
to put this simply you are able to use the libraries from all the GPU vendors and it works really well
the intel arc cards for example have garbage software but use Nvidia DLSS and Cuda on that bitch and watch it fly with raytracing included
getting a post together and will post it here on Linux Gaming in the next week or so that will in detail get you up and running with a gaming computer that utilizes AdaptiveCPP
use to be good for that personally used one as our daily driver on a 4k 60fps media pc up until recent updates a few months ago
without other tools like adaptivecpp and that is very experimental right now it a useless chunk of silicone
and here is more
the Ukraine and Russia situation is definitely a linux gaming thing too
there are coders in Russia that make great proton tools for running games with it without steam and the other day someone was posting about gpu files also on here so though this was in the same vein
intricately linked tetris for fucks sake Russia has been on the nonwindows gaming scene for a while
list goes on
impossible to build a linux gaming computer at this point in time without GitHub
was in the middle of doing so when it went down
same with all modern pcie 4.0 or higher gpus
rebar is now standard
own a computer shop
patrons love windows, love signing up for a windows account, always clicks share my data, and buys the hell out of HP products
blame the lack of good education at least here in the US
16GB of RAM is not enough to run Windows plus game and the onboard graphics cannot even compete with a RX 580
all for $1,100 wtf