Apple catered to technologically challenged from the beginning and now they’re all used to using their stuff.
I’ve worked in tech support for a long time and personally I also struggle with using Apple devices because of how ass backwards everything is on an Apple device as compared to everything else.
But in my experience the people who don’t understand what file is are more comfortable on Apple devices. It’s by design.
Ease of use. Your average grandma is more likely to understand how to use “the apple” instead of “the droid”.
It was one of the few games I had for the PS2. Never played the multiplayer, but the SP campaign is awesome! I highly recommend it.
I’ve played the classics, 3, 2016, and Eternal, and honestly 2016 is my favorite. Eternal was good, but I felt that 2016 was a lot more straightforward with it’s combat loop. I found it easier to loose myself in the shooter trance. I never felt like that in Eternal.
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I’m actually genuinely surprised that more people don’t know about uBlock Origin.
Firefox gang rise up!
If I was a Firefox dev I’d start looking into building in user agent spoofing right into the browser.
It already opens Facebook pages in a special isolated tab. They could have open in it’s own special “safari” tab. I wonder if there’s anything preventing them from doing that. I guess it could be bad because it would make their market share appear even smaller.
Look into grayjay. Luis Rossman just released that app as a YouTube client replacement
Do, or do not. There is no try.
Tarkov mostly because of how you loot. When you kill a player and start looting there are a bunch of nested containers that you need to rapidly search. You need to click and drag things out of pockets into your rig, maybe you want to pack the victims backpack with their own stuff and then put that backpack inside your own… It’s a lot of fast clicking and dragging. I’m not sure how you’d make that work on a controller. I mean, I know how, but having a cursor controlled by a joystick would make looting very slow.
That being said I have no problem with games being on all platforms. And also you could potentially make a KB/M game for consoles just plug those into the console. I remember Socom on PS2 supported keyboards for text chat, and there was that short lived Eve FPS on PS3 that supported the mouse. But you’d still have to make it support the controller by default.
Some games simply won’t work on controllers, though. Like Arma, or Tarkov.
At this point I think it’s more beneficial for you to move to using LibreOffice. It’s a better to spend your time getting used to that, instead of trying to obtain MS Office.
I’m not saying that LibreOffice is as good, but it’s good enough.