for example did you get this video question correct on first try? https://youtu.be/KB_lTKZm1Ts?si=thBBo7sI6zB5YrQS
for example did you get this video question correct on first try? https://youtu.be/KB_lTKZm1Ts?si=thBBo7sI6zB5YrQS
So really it’s in a few days iwfu(I will fuck up)
I disagree… If they eliminate schools then mother’s would have to stay home with the kids. That would mean less current wage slaves.
Plus then the family would control what the kids are taught instead of the kids learning what they want them to learn.
Fuck tine. … To buy a new bike
Not to mention the amount of analog clocks that are just wrong. I work at a fortune 500 company, most clocks are digital and synced to a time server. Every analog clock is wrong. Just yesterday I walked through the cafeteria and glanced at the clock and it read 5:20… For a second I panicked and was like it can’t be that late. I checked my phone, it was 3:06. The clock was just not set properly.
The Linux source code is also online…
We can’t let you bring this bottle of “water” on the plane because it me an explosive…so I’m just gonna to throw it into this garbage can full of all the other potential explosives in the most densely packed area of the airport…
It might be a side effect of my work environment. I make the equipment that tests electronic medical implants. Theoretically if a unit put 1A of charge out instead of 1ma that could kill a person. Now on a practical level that’s not possible with our devices and even if it was we should be able to identify and prevent that unit from reaching the field.
Yes you are right, you want 99.99% uptime you need this stuff. In the field I’m in a single case escaping test can be months of engineering time to investigate, root cause analysis to determine the actual cause, expensive fixes for the short term and even more expensive fixes in long term to upgrade everything so it never happens again.
Boss being unhappy that you missed something is minor. Their boss’s boss’s boss is the real issue. That said we get regularly audited both in-house and external agencies so it’s unlikely. Multiple lines of defense, have a computer check it, have a person check that the computer actually checked it, have a computer verify that the person actually verified it. Have each of those systems regularly audited and verified to be effective.
It’s expensive but it is what is needed to be in this field.
Ok,this maybe too nerdy of a topic for here but that’s why I love unit tests.
Basically I write a piece of code that gets this input and generated that output. I also make a test to verify that I get a certain output given a certain input.
Now if I spend all day futzing within that code , changing variable names, refactor and extract a large function to 10 small ones, decide to re-write all the SQL queries to linq arguments…I can fuck up and tests may fail. I fix the failing code to still pass the test. I know I delivered code that met the requirements, hopefully improved it, but I know I didn’t fuck it up enough to not do what it’s expected to do.
Plus source control…I mess around with code, my tests all pass…I commit it…I mess around more, can’t get the tests to pass, oh well quitting time roll back to previous working commit. Boss may be mad I didn’t improve it but at least I didn’t break it. Zero gain day is better than negative gain…
Sorry the closest I can do is a xj jeep…I don’t know of a js model car
I mean the white house did say we should start building with rust…
Depends on where you live… Northeast us most likely a black bear, as long as its not a mother protecting its cubs make some noise and it will leave you alone. If your in the artic, how the hell are you in woods but ignoring that’s and it’s likely a polar bear and you are dead.
Really? Where? Give me a link. I’ll. I’ll buy it right now.
Ai may of changed but life hasn’t changed due to Ai.
Put another way “having money isn’t everything, not having it is”
There are two hard challenges in computer science cache invalidation and naming things
I don’t know, this was back around 2007 so I don’t remember his specific reaction
I had a Microsoft support scammer once… I let him in to my system too…well not really.
I quickly spin up a quick fresh install of slack ware Linux in a virtual machine that didn’t even have x11 never mind wine installed. When it was up I told him a friend uses something called tellynet (aka telnet but I was playing dumb) to help me on the computer.
He telnetted in and could not understand why any of his malware wasn’t working…
I think what they are going for is you know all your secrets and insecurities. You might know what you look like before make up, or as you decompress from a hard day of work. You might wear baggy shirt to cover a small belly. You might wear flowing dresses because you don’t like your ass.
You compare that to people who wear yoga pants because they are proud of their ass. Or people who spent 45 minutes doing their hair and makeup that morning. You might see a guy with his shirt off because he spent hours in the gym working on his abs.
You know how you act/look your worst at home alone. You compare to how others look when they are out in public and dressed to impress.
Fun fact about relative speeds though if you can drive at 1/5 of the speed of light you should never get a ticket for running a red light as all red light will be green due to the doppler effect. That said the speeding ticket you’ll get…