Is this actually new for the “a” series?
Is this actually new for the “a” series?
I would argue the S24U’s flat screen was a massive upgrade. Curved screens are such a headache
Bethesda games aren’t gonna run themselves
I don’t think those are mutually exclusive
I care a moderate amount about audio quality, but my bigger gripes with Bluetooth generally involve the latency and inconvenience of switching devices (even with multipoint).
Their show was running alongside all the Discovery and History crap about ancient aliens, mermaids, and Bigfoot, so I’m not sure about those first two things.
Let them fight
The only FE that had a headphone jack was the Note FE, and that was in 2017. Every other FE phone has just been a cheaper S series option.
The Note FE was also just a rebranded Note7 with a smaller battery.
Projectivy is great. Some bugs here and there, but overall I love the much simpler UI and that I can actually keep my “continue watching” row at the top.
The screen would get smashed immediately.
Techno might be unknown, because that’s a genre of music, but I’ve definitely seen the Tecno name around.
That’s not how it was done before, though. It wouldn’t download update A, start installing A, then trigger downloading update B while A was installing. A would have to finish installing before B could even start downloading.
Especially for smaller updates, the overhead of the network handshaking to start the download can actually make doing 3/4 downloads at once faster than sequencing them. For larger updates, it matters less, but it’s not a negative.
You can still use an app while the update is downloading. You only can’t while the update is installing, and installations still have to happen sequentially (limitation of Android). It only really matters if you want to specifically use an update right away, but then you can just manually trigger the update for just that app.
I could theoretically see an AI model being useful for ANC that doesn’t just block out steady noise but can also try to predict rhythmic and varying sounds, but I don’t think anyone’s actually done that yet.
Tensor is just the brand name for Google’s in-house-designed processors.
I’m pretty sure there’s also a micro USB-A that just never got adopted.
Sometimes 0 still works, sometimes it crashes the system and hangs up.