Planes get excited when they encounter turbulence, so they flap their wings. It’s so cute!
Planes get excited when they encounter turbulence, so they flap their wings. It’s so cute!
Dude, the first time I saw a C5 Galaxy take off I was amazed at how slowly it was moving. It’s like what I thought I knew about physics was just wrong, it was so cool.
Not my favorite mechanics of all time, but I generally liked the way it was presented, and it plays pretty snappily when everything’s automated like in the game. What aspects don’t you like about 5e? Do you think some tweaks would be enough for you to like or tolerate it?
Thank you. Now, insofar as it concerns apostrophes (he said pedantically), couldn’t it be argued that the tools we have at our immediate disposal for making ourselves understood through text are simply inadequate to express the depth of a thought? And wouldn’t it therefore be more appropriate to condemn the lack of tools rather than the person using them creatively, despite their simplicity? At what point do we cast off the blinders and leave the guardrails behind? Or shall we always bow our heads to the wicked chroniclers who have made unwitting fools of us all; and for what? Evolving our language? Our birthright?
No, I say! We have surged free of the feeble chains of the Oxfords and Websters of the world, and no guardrail can contain us! Let go your clutching minds of the anchors of tradition and spread your wings! Fly, I say! Fly and conformn’t!
I relinquish the pedant stick.
Okay then, I’m being performative. I feel better about myself, thanks.
It’s so weird that so many people are calling being accommodating in such a small way “performative” or whatever! I think some people just can’t handle change and blame others for it.
When people get too old, the next step is death. We are now older than we have ever been!
If you don’t know what you want before you’re 24, should you be allowed to make any decisions?
It does. Applying the video game logic, it looks badass at first glance, but once you play a little bit and learn more about what’s out there, you find out it’s kinda a noob trap.
That’s fine. It was fun, but not so different from any of the other offerings that it’ll be sorely missed.