Look, you’re free to believe whatever you want, even if it’s wrong.
Look, you’re free to believe whatever you want, even if it’s wrong.
I know this, but the entire Israeli story being based on a flat-out lie doesn’t cut it for me. The entire out of Egypt story is a complete fabrication, and that is a HUGE part of Israeli identity in the Bible.
The fact that the Egyptians never kept the Israelites as slaves negates the entire story IMO.
They say no blockchain transaction fees, so I assumed it was some crypto bullshit. Still not positive it isn’t.
Yeah, I lost interest at ‘blockchain’.
I’d be interested to know this also. I’d love to have a similar device that isn’t constantly ‘phoning home’ to whatever company is selling it.
Asking the real questions
Everyone’s got a little dick in them
They’ve appropriated the Christian religion. The government has allowed them to literally poison us and the environment with no repercussions for who knows how long, in the name of Capitalism, so they victimize the public for profit. They cut school funding every chance they get, intentionally creating less educated/more pliable people. Most can’t afford to move out of the country, and the general public is mostly dependent on them for their food supply, which they fill with sugar and chemicals that cause all kinds of metabolic diseases. They’re farming us. We’re their captives.
I don’t disagree with you. I’m saying Google’s algorithm is part of the cause not the cure.
This looks like it may be beneficial to the common people of the US. Republicans can’t stand idly by and let that happen. I’ll expect this to go nowhere.
That’ll be a big nope, thanks.
Edit: 20 years from now, FDroid will be worse than the Play store and we’ll have a “new” store that functions like FDroid does currently.
Why would I want to do the extra work when there are other options available that just don’t store the notes in a db?
Database storage for notes is a non-starter for me.
Again, no proof.