Feeling cute, might litigate later, idk
Spike-y Pear? I have no code for spike-y pear. Halp. 🍐
Literally a shittier boarding process because it’s more profitable that way. Freeeee market! 📈📈📈
I always picture them in their head going “Ha! I win at driving! Suck it!”
I hereby announce that I don’t have enough money, and I want more.
I visited the state I grew up in recently and had to drive a couple hours to visit someone down a highway I used to drive all the time in my teens. There used to be so many bugs that I’d have to stop and use the washers at the gas station at least once… this time there were maybe 2 or 3.
I was like oh. oh no.
Pumpkin spice lasagna
Idk I’m not letting anything robotic or spinning near my junk. I’m good with washing that by hand.
I got straight A’s but really I wanted that D
Me, over here not understanding either of them
I do like dancing bears…