No idea, just shit your pants move on lol there doesn’t need to be a movie moment
No idea, just shit your pants move on lol there doesn’t need to be a movie moment
This is getting tiring, take care
I’m cool with that, but you still did mention leaving a shopping cart in a parking lot which somehow makes you not a cuck. Bare minimum it’s an asshole move
Correction, you didn’t say that, but your comment absolutely leads me to believe you do “because it’s not my job”
Our guy installed wheels on his arms and legs in order to get the fully uncucked shopping experience, likely because he’s just built different.
That sounds fucking awesome actually.
The very first video game I saw was Wolfenstein I’m pretty sure, my grandpa pulled me aside and loaded it from msdos I think and I was just blown away that you could control something on a screen
Without spoiliolps, what’s the game about?
I know Nazis have something to do with it but that’s about it.
Preferably broad strokes. I’m asking because I don’t want to look it up and it be spoiled
Lmao no one asked all that, but I did love reading it.
I absolutely love movies too, and I’ve never thought to sort them let alone marathon them in that way for lack of a better word. Absolutely gonna do that.
What I do is I tell me girlfriend, yeah you don’t like this genre but give it 30 minutes if it’s a movie, and two episodes if it’s a show, if I can convince her in that span, she’s usually into it anyway because good content is good content.
As someone directly between boomer and zoomer ages, I legitimately cannot tell which you are. Either you’re a boomer and are really good at capturing this, just doing what you would do anyway, or my age and just funnier. Either way, I applaud it.
Lock me up with a bunch of dudes that never have hopes of being with a woman? L e l
Only stay for the gay
Oddly enough but I’m not staring because of tits, legitimately trying to figure out what’s going on here
What’s even scarier is that he got absolutely rolled when it came to pros.
You’re not wrong, dude was champ in the non pro arena, and as soon as he stepped in it was just as shocking with different winners.
They do all the time, he’s not gonna take any fight where he can lose, especially if money isn’t the number one motivator. The fact that this isn’t common sense is worrying.
Where are you gonna spend your -0 moral dollars?
100% just like anything to do with Jake Paul, this is about money, and the fact that we are all talking about it really only points to one outcome. He won and we lost.
Fuck yeah dude. Looking out for other people only can put you in a pretty deep hole. It took getting clean from opiates for me to finally accept that. Believe it or not I literally told myself yesterday, if no one else is going to give a shit, I’m just going to have to direct all my energy towards myself and my SO. Its really exhausting, but I hope it works out for us.
Godamn this is sad.
A lot of this reminds me of my dad, down to the non functioning eye due to stroke. He’s an asshole, controlling, etc, but not quite this bad.
I really do hope you’re able to make peace with this if you haven’t already.
If you’re cool with a 2.4ghz adapter via USB, the gulikit kk3 max has been awesome. It’s an Xbox controller clone with 4 paddles, can be used on switch, and has hot swappable buttons for switch as well, all for about 80 bucks.
It’s got hall effect sticks/triggers.
It has Bluetooth as well, I just haven’t tried it. Better response times and range with the adapter so that’s what I use.
Warning: QA isn’t the best, I have had one come in with vibration issues, but returning it and ordering another was a price well paid.