Using a tape drive is crazy when you think about it. It was slow…. This wasn’t the big tape cartridges. It was a standard Audio tape. Not sure why they could store but it was all sequential
Using a tape drive is crazy when you think about it. It was slow…. This wasn’t the big tape cartridges. It was a standard Audio tape. Not sure why they could store but it was all sequential
I think it was just a limit of how quick everything ran back then. Also, this was an IBM system that was checked, double-checked, and triple-checked because it was a mission-critical system. IBM used to be known for quality hardware. Hard to imagine because they are such a crap company now but that was the equivalent of a google back then.
My first pc had a tape drive.
It isn’t a disk driver since the OS is not loaded yet. It is the hardware identifying each disk in the SCSI chain. Not sure what else it was doing walking the bus much I know finding all the disk was the longest part.
I think mine takes like 2 minutes. It’s ten years old. I’ve putting off upgrading to the cost of videos cards
I will date myself. These machines had a lot of memory as well which added to the slow reboot. I think it was 16 gigs.
The r series for IBM took forever. The p series was faster but was still slow
The more disk you had, the longer it took. It walked the scsi bus which took forever. So if you had more disk. It took even longer.
Since everything was remote, you’d have to call hands and they weren’t technical. Also no cameras since it was the 90’s.
Now when I restart a vm or container. I panic if it’s not back up in 10 minutes.
In the old days some of the servers took at hour to reboot. That was stressful when you couldn’t ping it at an hour.
This is my favorite one I’ve seen about it so far
One article I read said he likes to fire whole teams and then see which people are asked about. Those are the ones he rehires. If nobody misses you then you were doing a job of value.
From a human level, this is just shitty. It isn’t the way to treat people.
I want to see more regulations around plastics. We have the ability to make biodegradable plastics and we can research better ones. Plastic is a bane to the environment.
I didn’t realize America has banned them. Good. I just figured they were a fad.
I won’t buy from scalpers. No way. They add zero value and are like parasites. Microsoft and Sony should have taken a firm stance against them.
Course I pay double ? Sure at the time I had the money but I won’t do it because of the ethics.
I was going to buy one when they came out but they were hard to get. I never got one and don’t see the need to buy one now.
I will not pay over list for a game console. That is just bad money skills.
Ah I didn’t catch the pronounce. I know the actor was non-binary but I didnt catch the character was as well.
It’s decent. I enjoyed it. I think the more you’ve played the game, the more you’ll enjoy it.
I thought Dane did it to himself. That’s what he said in the last episode.
One gripe I have is the power armor is weak
Then you don’t understand conservatism.
I’m a conservative and read a wonderful article on why conservatives should be leading the charge to a social democracy like Sweden. It really changed my views on why we should be skippering certain endeavors. Just neither party here has really embraced the basic concept.
An example was national health care allowed people to be more entrepreneurial since that is a large risk to not have insurance here.
Meant that as what about they could store.
Why I know. Go play it and you’ll see how they did it.
I am curious who said. You know am audio take will create a great experience.