Hard tabs are much better as someone who works with an age diverse team where vision issues are a serious issue. Four space tabs are optimal for you but there are other lived experiences.
Hard tabs are much better as someone who works with an age diverse team where vision issues are a serious issue. Four space tabs are optimal for you but there are other lived experiences.
It’s alright… but have you considered spaces for indentation and tabs for alignment?
Figure out if they prefer spaces or tabs, insist on the other.
Please note this won’t work on Pythonistas as they’ve already had their spirit thoroughly broken.
Assuming you’re talking about HTML5 & CSS it actually is Turing Complete.
I heard you like mutating class data so I’m mutating the data you can put in your class data, dawg.
Protest anonymously, function anonymously.
Nano services are microservices after your company realizes monoliths are much easier to maintain and relabels their monoliths as microservices.
Unironically. I’d put a significant wager down on that being the source of this term.
I’m being pretty resistant about AI code Gen. I assume we’re not too far away from “Our software product is a handcrafted bespoke solution to your B2B needs that will enable synergies without exposing your entire database to the open web”.
That estimate seems a little low to me. It’s at least 115%.
Nintendo literally already filing a lawsuit against OP.
The best decision that nazis ever made was not to indiscriminately purge the military and bureaucracy. Purges certainly did happen but they were focused on the political class and very targeted elsewhere.
They kept the systems people depended on running well to not immediately create massive public backlash… they also got lucky as hell. The military and populace were deeply bitter after WW1 and they leveraged grand gestures to great effect while changing relatively little administratively. The fucks in the US are making flaccid grand gestures while tearing down systems people actually depend on.
Just to clarify. It is defined behavior - there’s plenty of undefined behavior in C but that ain’t one of them.
Also, Python: Please rewrite your multi-line lambdas into tuples of logic statements that you pick the last one of.
Satan has a firm grip.
Your argument isn’t making me any happier - it just fills me with more rage.
Hey now, you know that according to the Bible the biggest number is a million. Anything larger than that including infinity is some of that “woke shit”.
Your array will be 999,999, 999,998, 999,997 …
It sadly doesn’t appear to be.
Oh, you must be looking for dragonsfuckingcars.
Yea, I saw C style and was disappointed when it didn’t abuse gotos.
… and yet… it lacks clear and enforced type restrictions which help with clear code contracts. It’s certainly better than Javascript but the lack of runtime enforced type checking can force defensive programming in an unnecessary manner.
Your statement isn’t strict type checking. It’s a restricted form of type coercion. Given how common this feature is in other languages it’s weird that pythonistas feel so defensive when discussing the feature. I enjoy strict type checking, but that’s my opinion - it makes it a poor choice for the sorts of projects I work on but if it’s good for you then enjoy!
A few languages force a decision (usually towards tabs), but otherwise it’s just a question of aesthetics vs. accessibility.