These tables existed long before we were drinking coffee in Europe and America. What did we call them then? Low tables? End tables? Baby tables??
These tables existed long before we were drinking coffee in Europe and America. What did we call them then? Low tables? End tables? Baby tables??
Is that a yes or no question, or merely a suggestion?
Let’s get everybody on WET, in fact, let’s just call it UTC and be done with time zones.
Since he’s touching the keyboard with unwashed hands it’s probably best he didn’t wipe.
Two gripes about on the cube rule; It doesn’t readily differentiate between topology of a dish and a single serving. It could very well add more dimensions to the identification model besides topology, there are plenty of other factors that define the portability and experience of eating a food (let’s face it, that’s what the debate of identification was really about this whole time.)
I would highly recommend the History of English Podcast. This particular observation made by OP is thoroughly covered in this particular episode: https://youtu.be/T0ED-FV7O50
Even setting up a vlan doesn’t work half the time because the mobile apps don’t talk directly with the appliance but phone home to a cloud service. A cloud service that will eventually go offline and leave the appliances orphaned. That’s how GE’s thermostats work.
I think you’re underestimating how impossible a task it is for China to hit a moving target. Even so, their move towards isolationism is at odds with an industry that has the most complex and globally integrated supply chain in existence.
Best name to call it is to just not call it anything. Don’t talk about it. Let it die.
Upvoting a classic. Watch his other talks too. Entertaining and thought provoking.
problem is the late stages of the game the password requirements change when your password’s emojis start catching fire.
That programmer has obviously been playing https://neal.fun/password-game/
I was giving a nod to Alan Cooper’s book “The Inmates Are Running the Asylum”: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44098.The_Inmates_Are_Running_the_Asylum
The inmates are running the asylum.
Same reason tiktok and instagram reels are overlaid with that dumb wheezing laugh track.
WARS to my fellow Colemak users.
For some reason I first read the title as “journalists take to archiving their own hands” and thought this was some morbid kind of protest.
I think it’s saying you start with owo but then do the vertical equivalent of that emoji which would be :3 then 13 I guess is the eyes are closed? That’s the best I got.
diarrhea of the mouth but for the anus… so diarrhea?
Took me a minute. And for good measure… ;