It’s strange how many people are eager to discover the “true name” of things. IDK if that’s the influence of Rumpelstiltskin, D&D, or just vestigial old-European superstition.
I don’t read my replies
It’s strange how many people are eager to discover the “true name” of things. IDK if that’s the influence of Rumpelstiltskin, D&D, or just vestigial old-European superstition.
The best argument for Jesus’ existence comes from Christopher Hitchens.
It goes like this: We know the nativity story is made up because of the census. There was a census near the time, but it was after Harrod’s death and cannot fit the story. But why fabricate the nativity? Probably because Jesus of Nazareth is supposed to be born in the “city of David”: Bethlehem. So then, if Jesus was invented whole cloth, why not make him Jesus of Bethlehem and save the aggravation?
Jeff the god of biscuits.
If you think about it, every tech is just radio. And I don’t just mean cellular, wifi, and bluetooth, There are few things on an SoC that aren’t just refinements and miniaturizations of radio tech.
I’ve always thought it was badass to do a crime so infamous that the crime gets named after you. Think Charles Ponzi or Lorena Bobbit.
Give them places to live and teach them to grow food which will help pay for the whole thing.
The mentality that social programs are expected to justify their existence financially before their effectiveness can even be considered is one of the biggest reasons problems like homelessness are intractable.
Diagnoses cost money, all I can afford are symptoms.
Everyone assumes that Uncle Tom was a character like Sam Jackson’s Stephen from “Django Unchained” or Uncle Ruckus from “Boondocks”. The character in the book is nothing like this. In fact, Uncle Tom is an admirable character. How this man’s name became a slur is more complicated than it first appears.
The weird part about reading “Uncle Tom’s Cabin” is that its advocacy literature, and most of us don’t need much convincing that slavery is bad. But we need this context to understand that Uncle Tom was created by a white woman to appeal to a white audience because it’s his tragedy that is supposed to persuade the reader. Uncle Tom didn’t fashion himself to please some master like Calvin Candy, he was created whole-cloth as a device to awaken empathy of white audience. It’s not his character, it’s his raison d’être.
During the early '00 flight sim fans were enjoying a Russian game called IL2. The other offerings from Microsoft and Janes just couldn’t compete with the level of detail in the flight models. Turns out, the people working on the game were all trained in aerospace engineering. The guys who went to school to work for the famous Russian aviation firms were making video games instead because it paid better.
Systems are not the sum of the individual actors who participate in them. Systems can influence and even control individuals back. Therefore, individual flaws in character or intellect are necessary, but not adequate to explain why systems are flawed.
Consider the future imagined in the movie “Idiocracy 2005”. Society is collapsing because people are dumb. This is the explanation for all problems in that society. Capitalism, Resource extraction, environmental degradation, political corruption, and a rather authoritarian government are all blameless. The implication is that capitalism an authoritarianism are good if we could just be smart about it.
This is a big difference between left and right thinking. Republicans argue problems can be solved by reforming individuals; the police are good, there are just a few bad apples. Or that the right individual, at the helm of a system, can clean up all the issues with strength and resolve. This is the central pitch for supporting Trump.
No, because the vegans are right, eating meat isn’t justifiable. You can’t “both sides” morality. The attempt is an admission that you’ve lost the plot.
Consider the possibility that your feelings of guilt or being judged is a call coming from inside the house.
Preservation is an invasive and destructive process. Recreating the experience of watching ‘The Daily Show’ in the 90s or early '00s is already impossible. Language and culture mildew and rot just like leather and wood.
EDIT: People don’t seem to understand what I’m talking about. Even the people who are responding in good faith seem confused. That’s on me. So I thought I’d try to clarify with an example.
Take the Mona Lisa. Perhaps one of the most preserved objects in history. It’s so well preserved that it’s impossible to see. Sure, you can look at it, but you won’t see it. Taking a picture of the painting is encouraged, but you can’t get a look at it in your camera roll either.
If you saw the actual painting hanging on a friend’s wall, your first thought would probably not be “what a masterpiece”, but “why didn’t they remove the default print that came with the frame”? If you go to Paris, you can wait in line to have the “Mona Lisa experience” but the painting you saw wasn’t hanging on the wall, what you’ll see is the Mona Lisa you brought with you.
(yes, I stole this example from ‘were in hell’ youtube channel)
What toppings? Are we talking fresh Moz? White sauce? This is very important.
Classical cynics loved to ridicule society and exalt nature. Modern cynics ridicule society and exalt themselves.
A cynic that owns a mortgage and a 401k is a bigger imposter than the tourist wearing a Che Guevara T-shirt in the Mall of America.
That’s all fine and good for computer science, but if Master/Slave terminology is canceled, who’s going to tell the philosophy department?
I hear you can get a pretty good offer from CrowdStrike these days.
What do you care? If what you say is true, we’re already doomed to nuclear war.