Put in your root pw and then look at the logs. You might need to mount disks to do so.
Put in your root pw and then look at the logs. You might need to mount disks to do so.
I agree the guy shouldn’t be so quick to pull a gun, but it also solved his problem very quickly. He was making sure carts were returned, gun came out, no more carts in the parking lot. Nobody got hurt, nothing was damaged, and the situation was resolved quickly.
Does it sound insane yet?
Dude, going from my car got a removable magnet on it to my car got keyed to my children’s lives are at stake is an insane take, not a rational one. Justifying shooting someone because you’re generally scared is something cops do when they shoot an unarmed, handcuffed black man because an acorn sounds like danger. It’s not a defensible position.
People that think gun is the appropriate response to magnet are a big part of why I want to leave this country.
That time Cart Narcs got a gun pulled on them in Texas:
Assholes have guns and that’s all they need to think they’re right.
It’s conceptually Ben Shapiro’s wife.
This is my game! It was made for me!
Well yeah, presumably for any given threesome, the pov is going to be two behinds at some point, but it doesn’t matter if you’re the left behind or the right behind or long as everybody’s enjoying themselves.
That does usually prevent future invites, too.
Just say you gotta shit then leave without saying goodbye to anybody.
I’ll take ten
And it won’t stay on the selected input. No signal? Gotta go back to the screen with ads.
In it, you see a tiny civilization. You are the cosmic horror.
Please clear main brushes.
Er, I meant “Nope”
I, too, like sites that have things like videos for adults.
Good thing he’s not a giant corporation.
Does he think Wolfenstein needs to be told from the other side?
It works in Morrowind. When you go to do the main quest, the guy in Balmora says you look like a scrub and to come back when you’re not so green. Oblivion immediately tells you to take the amulet somewhere. Skyrim requires main quest progression for a few things like the civil war.
Now find the missing semicolon I won’t tell you where it should be.