Gen X: don’t quote the ancient piracy to me, Millennial. I was there for BBS and Napster.
Gen X: don’t quote the ancient piracy to me, Millennial. I was there for BBS and Napster.
Press and hold the Windows key, then tap the R. Let go of the windows key. Type cmd enter. Type format C:\ enter.
Sadly they “fixed” this.
I suggest you play the first, then decide whether you want more.
I refuse to think of 2000 as anything but the future where will all have flying cars.
This man walks so others can ride.
Our code base is filled with “//constructor”, “//destructor”, “//assignment”, or the ever enlightening “Foo GetFoo(); // GetFoo”.
This is not what they mean by self-documenting code.
You got a lot of great recommendations already, but I want to add one more indie game: Lost Words Beyond the Page. Gameplay is simple and it’s not very long, but the writing is excellent.
Exactly! Even the indicator light of my speakers bothers me during long nightly sessions. I want to see the screen, nothing else.
It was the style at the time.
It’s a reference to The Simpsons.
That’s a misconception. Farmers lobbied heavily against DST. Their work does not abide by the clock; they milk when cows need milking, and they harvest when there’s enough light, no matter what some clock says.
In Europe, DST as we know it now was first introduced by Germany during WW1 to preserve coal, then abandoned after the war, and widely adopted again in the 70s. In the US it was established federally in the 60s.
This is all glossing over a lot of regional differences and older history. But yeah, US farmers were very much against the idea.
The man knows. The man knows everything about you. They’re always watching.
C++ would be called C for short.
“This button turns on the light in the hallway. Sometimes it brings the whole house down on you, but we haven’t found a way to reliably reproduce this. If that happens just crawl from under the rubble, rebuild the house, and try again. This time the light should turn on.“
“Oh, and send us the log messages.”
Apparently, they didn’t know it by heart. If they had, they wouldn’t have had to spend all that time searching.
Exactly this. My small Reddit communities had a few posts per day. The equivalent on Lemmy have a few per year. Still, I don’t miss them enough to go back.
I read your comment twice, looking for any tiny mistake to fix. How thoughtless of you not to include any.
When I switched from using the bus to going by bike, i cut my commute time by more than half. If I were to take the car, it would halve again. Public transport is great, and necessary. But it will never be faster than a personal car for anything but large distances.
Give it time, eventually every project looks like the right.