Easy, I just need a wire, toothpaste, bubblegum, and and a watch crystal. Problem solved!
Where I post interesting things for family, friends, and myself. Note: I post items I don’t necessarily agree with.
#fedi22 #nowplaying #economics #Christian #Lutheran #government #finance #movies #parody #comedy #foss #classicalliberalism #music #Archlinux #NixOS
Easy, I just need a wire, toothpaste, bubblegum, and and a watch crystal. Problem solved!
Sounds interesting. I started an Ubuntu server about a year ago, didn’t get very far. Really only using FreshRSS right now. Would really like to move it to my NixOS flake and learn/add services as I go along.
That rug really tied the room together.
I’m back to the web app. Unfortunately, with the amount of articles in my feed, the Read You app takes forever to load. Plus the web app works very well as is.
Same issue here. Deleted the F-Droid version. Easy way is to add it via Obtanium and let that manage your updates for you. Added my freshrss account via gnzl@nc.gnzl.cl’s comment above .
True. Plus, while dumb, 53% will always beat the interest extracted by two goons and a baseball bat. There’s always a trade-off!