I just run ADB.
I just run ADB.
It did look rather ugly in places.
Some people don’t care at all and that’s fine, but for others poor textures or aesthetics break immersion.
“this may increase costs for the consumer” argument is flawed. It always implies they would have left profit on the table otherwise, rather than squeeze the system and everyone within it for as much as it’ll give and then some.
Yeah it’s just too much.
I’m trying to be more proactive about telling people exactly that, to give them a chance to adjust, before I’ve bottled it up out of misplaced politeness and need to cut off contract.
My sister deals with it all the time since she helps refugees who often can’t get work permits, and are extremely lonely on a different continent where almost no one speaks their language. So they (maybe understandably) cling to the one person that does. I admire her patience.
Futureless or featureless?