Easier to just throw a Coke out of a plane. 😏
You must be crazy
Crazy? I was crazy once. I was locked in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats drive me CRAAZZZZYYY
Crazy? I was crazy once. I was locked in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats drive me CRAAZZZZYYY
Crazy? I was crazy once. I was locked in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with rats. And rats drive me CRAAZZZZYYY
Please this hasn’t been funny in months. Just let it die already.
Everything I know about honey badgers I learnt because of a bottle of coke.
Oof. That movie was one hell of ride.
Which movie?
“The Gods Must be Crazy”
The sentinelese see right through that bullshit. Leave them alone.
Sometimes I wonder if they’re the last sane people on the planet. Then I remember we have antibiotics, and my mom has a power wheelchair, and I wonder if there can’t be some middle ground.
Solarpunk and anarchism are what you’re looking for
Found the theories a few years ago, desperately hoping we find the reality at some point
I have faith that it’ll work out. 2020 felt like a training point in society and I think we’ll eventually be able to realize this newfound social awareness a lot of us have come to obtain. Also, join an org if you’re able/currently not in one!
Well restructuring all of society takes a lot of work and time and luck. And hey you can contribute to it as well.
They have the true “reject modernity, return to monke” vibe
they wouldn’t need antibiotics if they’re isolated
Infection is still a thing
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Not unless bacteria is somehow covering the entire surface of the earth except the tiny little island they live on
Yep. From the North Sentinel Island wikipedia page:
The islanders have been observed shooting arrows at boats, as well as at **low-flying helicopters. **
If they’re shooting at a helicopter, I don’t think they’ll think about a bunch of drones any differently.
Well the north alabamese also shoot at helicopters yet would totally be fooled by a giant face in the sky
Roll tide
People trying to shoot down a helicopter with bows and arrows is a hilarious thing to picture
Well they did succeed in making it go away, so there’s that
Edit: This is a bit of a tongue in cheek joke
At this point I’m getting concerned with the amount of climate change we’ve got going on if they may be forced to relocate in the not too distant future
Relocate? To where? The whole planet is fucked, not just the tropics.
The highlands of scandinavia should be safer than most and might suit them, with rømmegrøt and hallingdans on Hardangervidda
Including the majestik møøse
It won’t work if we are already their demons.
Already happened with cargo cults didn’t it.
No - drone light shows weren’t used in cargo cults
You don’t say! I hope my meaning was clear.
You don’t know that.
Starlink is probably already causing some inadvertent tribal child sacrafices
You gotta go all the way and also get a few LRAD devices to project the voice of God.
But if the tribe is uncontacted no one outside the tribe can speak their language
That’s not necessarily true. They may speak the same language, or a very similar language as/to a tribe nearby that is contacted.
Program an AI to detect and roughly learn the language.
Really put the matrix to the test. Can AI effectively lead the most basic “civilization” left on the planet and then watch elon fuck it up.
ai can’t translate languages while being given JUST phrases in the target language. It needs phrases in the target language AND English translations
If you had hidden cameras, you could gather data on how the language is being used in various scenarios. That might be enough for an ai to use to “learn” the language
Obviously I understand that training a neural network is necessary, but AI has been used in some capacity to translate previously indecipherable languages.
This sounds like the sort of fucked up thing someone could write a SF novel about. Imagine thinking a test for AI is worth messing with innocent people’s lives.
That’s not how it works
…or not
They’ve even constructed fake airfields and hand carved wooden headphones to simulate air traffic control. Wild.
Or do it to a developed country that still believes in religious myths - then you get the infamous Project Blue Book!
I don’t understand what you’re saying.
Project Blue Book was a US military project for studying UFOs in the 50s and 60s. They collected reports, mostly. In UFO lore this part of the program was a cover, and in reality Blue Book was a plan to UFO-inspired projections into the sky (or other technologies up to and including reverse-engineered UFOs) in order to fake an alien invasion.
I believe that - unrelated to Project Blue Book - there are some declassified and/or leaked docs that show US agencies (mostly Intel community iirc although the Air Force is working on somewhat related tech [full spectrum, reportedly plasma-based]) have brainstormed essentially the same idea for other use cases, sometimes using religious imagery instead of UFOs based on the culture of the targets. I haven’t seen anything that officially indicates Blue Book had anything to do with a fake invasion for the purposes of domestic manipulation. It’s a powerful idea, though, they helps illustrate how growing power imbalances can be exploited in contemporary times. Some rich kids from Houston could buy drones and jump across the border to cause havoc among rural farmers in Mexico and go viral among bigots, if they could maintain their attention long enough to plan it.
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Or don’t, because your forefathers are the reason why they want to stay uncontacted in the first place.
If you haven’t you should read up on cargo cults. Very interesting phenomenon.
It can only go wrong for the lands my people will conquer for me >:D
Or you could rot in prison instead.