I don’t listen to hip-hop.
No you didn’t, for fuck’s sake.
It might be more to do with dogs having a very high degree of genetic plasticity, unusually so. I remember an interesting paper on it. This just doesn’t seem to be the case with cats.
I just want to tell the void that I arrived at a similar conclusion about induced high and low pressure zones based on the wing “slicing” the air in half as if it was a continuous material causing cavitation above the wing, and was mocked for it.
I think we’re doing pretty fucking well, all things considered.
I’m literally eating with my hands right now.
Yes. Why spoons? Makes no sense.
Penisface, “baby” or something when it won’t do to shout that.
That’s helpful to know, I’m trying to live frugally.
I don’t play video games. Although I don’t actually own an analogue clock, either. But they are quite nice.
More offended by people using the word “discourse” to describe the relentless, terminally-online, America-centric shit-slinging.
If you’d just said Holy Communion and left it at that, it would have been a reasonable bit.
I love her shiny plastic face 💕
“better start tidying”