Call yourself a Void owner, much cooler.
Cat types:
• Orange
• White
• Blue
• Void
• Tabby/standard issue
• Tortoise-shell/tortie
• Calico
• Siamese-style (may or may not have the face/head shape, but does have the coloring)
• Snub-nose
• Stubby-legged
I think the siamese-types might just be orientals with the same color pattern as siameses. Which is basically the same thing as far as I’m concerned but apparently there are differences
Cat tax : my future son (oriental void)
Yay for Oriental voids, this lady has been in the family for a decade, also, everytime I hear someone say that all cats are assholes, I know that they never had an Oriental
Yeah I used to think that the breed does not meaningfully affect their personality but that changed when I met my gf’s orientals
I couldn’t remember the word oriental so I used the one I did remember.
How could you forget tuxedo?
Type of void
My cat is not listed.
We found him on our porch. When people ask his breed we just say porch cat.
Name is Fluffy.
I have two porch cats. They don’t look it here, but are actually kind of giant.
I’d say that’s a tabby. I just looked for pictures that didn’t have white + color, so the coloring would be more noticeable. The orange cat in my picture is also a tabby. Most of them are tabby anyway, since it refers to the pattern on the coat, and most cats have the same pattern regardless of color.
deleted by creator
The stubby legs are pretty unhealthy I believe. I wouldn’t support anyone who breeds cats for that purpose.
Where is Felix the cat? Also, kitler??
What about those freaky-looking bald cats
What about Maine coons?
I think they are technically just huge long-haired tabbies since they are the result of colonizers’ cats adapting to the North American winters.
I’ve heard just as many Cat owners be pissy about their cats’ subtype
Cat subtypes:
- Asshole
- Not asshole.
Not asshole.
There is no such subtype.
You and I know that, but just in case they’re listening.
Yes. There is either asshole or asshole but purrs occasionally.
I had a cat that was not an asshole. But he was severely disabled. Bad brain damage, nearly blind, digestive issues, and a heart murmur that turned into heart failure.
Lil dude was too dumb and fragile to be anything but the best cat in the world. The only thing he did that annoyed me, was stealing slices of pizza, eating the cheese off of them, then putting the soggy slice where he knew I’d step on it. It was too funny for me to be actually mad.
He had a great 8 years and knew nothing but complete adoration from literally everyone he met.
I had a cat like that and she was the best! She was so old and decrepit and all she wanted to do was love people but she didn’t quite know how.
There is and I’m sad it’s not my cat.
Both of my cats are not assholes. I swear they are not forcing me to write this.
There is a cat fancy, purebred cats exist, but there is a population of normal cats in the world that haven’t had their genes mangled, where there really isn’t with dogs. Every single dog in the world is a something something mix, whereas my cat is “a grey one.”
Cause cars haven’t been domesticated, just tamed or whatever. If cats where domesticated to the extent of dogs we would have way more breeds.
It might be more to do with dogs having a very high degree of genetic plasticity, unusually so. I remember an interesting paper on it. This just doesn’t seem to be the case with cats.
“just as many”? Press X to doubt. I don’t doubt you’ve heard some, but people just don’t care about cat breeds in the same way people care about dog breeds.
Hence the meme
Is that Schlatt
Yes and that’s jambo in the pic
Selective cat breeding should be made illegal before we end up in the same situation. It’ll happen soon if it’s not stopped
Adopt, don’t shop!
Cat types:
- orang
- white
- void
- standard issue
- spare parts
Nice coquelicot
The funny thing is, that eskie looks like a Samoyed cross (source: I own an eskie, and have that conversation about what breed she is often).
That being said, I also have a fluffy void, a fluffy female orange cat, a Muppet of a calico with weird half curly fur, and a …i don’t even remember her pattern, but I think it falls under bicolor with Egyptian Mau colorations.
All cats I’ve owned were “oh! A cat!” Style cat. My grandmother had a Russian blue and a Scottish fold, although she lost the Scottish fold to my mother when she moved in with us. That cat loved my mother. I loved the Russian blue. He was an idiot.
Up for title
I have two brown tabbys and they’re on both ends of the brown tabby spectrum. One is fat and angry but lazy and the other is slender and ornery and always wrecking my stuff.
Plenty of black people own cats, what’s the issue?
Domestic short-hair.